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Green Car Reports, Five Years And 9,800 Articles Later

Green Car Reports

Five years ago today, Green Car Reports began a daily publishing schedule. At first one a day, and then more, we wrote articles on fuel efficiency, hybrids, diesel vehicles, and the plug-in electric cars that were then still two years away from the market.

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7 things we learned in 9 years, and where green cars are headed

Green Car Reports

In February 2014, Green Car Reports had published about 9,800 news articles. More than four years ago, this site looked back at its first five years of coverage to assess what had changed—and what we'd learned. Now, we're repeating the exercise. The number is now up to more than 16,800. We've broken down.

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Which Green Car Reports articles are most valuable? Poll results

Green Car Reports

A Twitter poll isn't particularly scientific, but like reading the comments on articles, we thought it might give us a. We wanted to survey our audience, which we haven't done in any large-scale or systematic way.

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Natural-Gas Vehicles: Honda, Chevy Are 'Neglected Stepchild' Among Green Cars

Green Car Reports

market share in light trucks and SUVs, hybrids are at least holding their own, and of course sales of plug-in electric cars are rising steadily. Wait.are we missing a green-car technology? As an article in The Los Angeles Times points out, natural-gas powered passenger vehicles remain the "neglected stepchild".'

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Which type of Green Car Reports articles are least valuable? Poll results

Green Car Reports

The flipside of "most valuable" is "least valuable," so we put up the same list of choices again, this time asking survey respondents to rank their least favorite types of articles. Surprisingly, however, the results.

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Green Car Reports: Best Reader Of The Year Award

Green Car Reports

Green Car Reports many readers, more than we thought possible seven years ago, when we launched the site. While many readers dip into a few articles without commenting or interacting, a substantial number of you read most of our articles and comment, sometimes vigorously.

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Washington Post To Syndicate Green Car Reports Articles

Green Car Reports

Their editors will choose certain stories from GreenCarReports and our other sites (The Car Connection and Motor Authority) to use on their. Being a startup media company means knocking on a whole lot of doors. And, occasionally, someone important answers.