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A Glimpse Into The Post-Oil Era: How The Uneven Impacts Of 2025-2030 Peak Oil Demand Will Shape The Future Of Energy

CleanTechnica EVs

As Sheikh Zaki Yamani, a former Saudi oil minister, once said, “The stone age came to an end not for a lack of stones, and the oil age will end, but not for a lack of oil.” But some oil will still be being pumped at the end, and it won't be heavy, sour, far from water crude.

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BNEF, Snam, IGU report finds global gas industry set to resume growth post-pandemic; low-carbon technologies for long-term growth

Green Car Congress

However, the resulting low gas prices, as well as clean air and climate policies, will promote further switching to gas from other more polluting energy sources, such as oil and coal. The pandemic has created disruption in the global energy sector, but low gas prices will ultimately stimulate demand growth as the economy recovers.

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Europe/US team: transitioning to a low-carbon world will create new rivalries, winners and losers

Green Car Congress

For example, rich countries such as Germany can throw billions of dollars at their coal sector to ease their transition pain, offering generous financial aid to lignite-producing regions. Nigeria or Algeria cannot do the same for their oil industry. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait might, and should be encouraged to do so.

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Europe moves forward on the Energy Union; transport key element

Green Car Congress

Today, we launch the most ambitious European energy project since the Coal and Steel Community. 94% percent of transport relies on oil products, of which 90% is imported. It has also been estimated that every additional 1% increase in energy savings cuts gas imports by 2.6%. 75% of EU housing stock is energy inefficient.