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Best Used Green Cars To Buy: 2006-2011 Honda Civic Hybrid

Green Car Reports

Now in its third generation, the Honda Civic Hybrid is one of the stalwarts of the compact hybrid class, having been around in one form or another since its introduction to the U.S. Here we're looking at the popular 2006-2011 model, as one of our Five Best Used Green Cars To Buy.

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2012 Honda Civic Hybrid: GreenCarReports Best Car To Buy 2012 Nominee

Green Car Reports

Though always overshadowed by the more distinctive Toyota Prius, the hybrid model of the Honda Civic compact sedan has been a longstanding competitor in the field of high-mileage hybrid cars. First launched as a 2003 model, the Honda Civic Hybrid has been entirely redesigned for the 2012 model year.

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Best Used Green Car To Buy: Volkswagen Jetta TDI

Green Car Reports

Last week we started a series of the Five Best Used Green Cars To Buy. We've already looked at two of the best-known green cars, the 2004-2009 Toyota Prius and the 2006-2011 Honda Civic Hybrid. Now it's the turn of a car known for its fuel, rather than its drivetrain--the Volkswagen Jetta TDI.

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Woman Wins Suit Against Honda For Low Civic Hybrid Gas Mileage

Green Car Reports

If you buy a new car but can’t get anywhere near the gas mileage the automaker says you should, can you sue them for misleading you? For Heather Peters -- former attorney and owner of a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid -- the answer is a resounding yes.

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Toyota Gives Tips On Getting More MPG From Your Hybrid Car

Green Car Reports

Thinking of buying a hybrid? That's great--you'll not only reduce your gas bills, but you'll be polluting less too, and likely have a car that holds its value as gas prices rise. If you're coming from a non-hybrid though, it may take a little time to make the most of your new Prius, Civic Hybrid or similar.

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Honda Civic Hybrid Gas Mileage Case Heads To Small Claims Court

Green Car Reports

When you buy a new car, you’ll probably use manufacturers’ own gas mileage estimates alongside the official Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fuel economy database to help you choose which car will be best for you.

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Our MPGs Vs Consumer Reports: Volt, Civic Hybrid, Jetta TDI, Lexus CT 200h, Fiat 500

Green Car Reports

The good folks over at Consumer Reports are the ultimate rationalists when it comes to testing and buying cars. They don't use media-fleet cars, but buy their test vehicles anonymously. Their rigorous assessments make hard-nosed fleet buyers look like flighty schoolgirls in comparison.