The New Chevy Blazer EV Has Stumbled Twice in Recent Tests - Hard

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

General Motors’ fortunes are tied heavily to its new Ultium EV technology. It underpins several existing and upcoming models and is the basis of the automaker’s EV efforts, costing billions of dollars and years of development. A few Ultium-based models have already gone on sale without too many issues, including the GMC Hummer EV and Cadillac Lyriq, but the most recent release hasn’t gone so smoothly. The Chevrolet Blazer EV has recently failed in two high-profile tests by automotive publications, raising questions about its electrical system and software.

Kevin Williams at InsideEVs experienced several issues on his road trip from Ohio to North Carolina, leaving him stranded at a rural charging station. Now, Edmunds is reporting a similar experience, with its almost-new long-term Blazer EV test vehicle recording dozens of errors and weeks in the dealer repair department.

While Williams’ road trip ended with a stranded journalist and a vehicle that couldn’t complete its intended journey, Edmunds’ at least ended in its home area in Southern California. The publication saw eight warning lights during its trip between Los Angeles and San Diego.

Unlike Williams, Edmunds got a 12-volt system error, but both experienced issues charging. Both experiences also unraveled over a short period, but Edmunds recorded 23 issues requiring fixes. The publication sent its SUV to the dealer, where it’s been for more than two weeks so far, requiring support from a GM technician and surrounding stores.

The list of faults is long and won’t be all that interesting for many readers, but there are a few issues to address. The body and drive motor control modules malfunctioned, leaving “lost communication” messages with some windows, while the head-up display experienced a “general electrical malfunction.”

To be fair, this is not only a brand-new vehicle but a brand-new vehicle in a somewhat untested format for GM. People often advise against buying first-generation mobile phones and electronic devices because of the complexity involved with developing an all-new product, so, hopefully, General Motors and Chevy can address these issues with an over-the-air software update to smooth the landing a bit.  

[Image: Chevrolet]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • Theflyersfan Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper for Ford to nuke their EV program now and instead pay any non-compliance fines that might creep in? Losing between $100,000 to $132,000 per vehicle doesn't keep the lights on for long.
  • Jkross22 Ford bailed on sedans and hatches to build higher margin SUVs and trucks and EVs and then got drunk during Covid with profits that they now can't figure out how to get back. I wonder what would have happened had they played the long game with Fusion/Fiesta/Focus. How much would it really cost them to bring over the Puma hybrid? That's an interesting car and would give people a reason to at least look at Ford. Other than Mustang and F150, the rest of their stuff looks homely and is too expensive for what it is. Especially the homely Escape.
  • Tane94 That's a big if, and Buick now is losing market share in its biggest market, China.
  • Bd2 Meanwhile, the the rest of GM's lineup... (excluding BOFs)
  • Jonathan I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel some sympathy for the legacy automotive companies. Being told by the feds to manufacture increasing numbers of a product (EVs) that the majority cannot afford, don't even want if they did have the money, and all to allegedly "save the planet". I pray more sane and rational minded people turn back some of these regulations and impending deadlines before they're implemented.