Non-Profit Group Attempts to Milk the Indy 500

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

There are few things on this green earth that get up my nose further than people trying to shove their lifestyle onto others through loud media campaigns. Sure, there are some universal truths to which we should all adhere – be kind to animals, take care of yer children, and don’t anger the Managing Editor* – but loudly pushing ideals ain’t one of ‘em.

The impetus for this mini-rant is the appearance of billboards near the Indianapolis Motor Speedway bearing the phrase ‘Winners DON’T Drink Milk’ as part of an ad campaign by a non-profit organization bent on getting people to stop drinking the stuff.

According to reports from the agriculture world, a group called the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is jumping up and down claiming cow’s milk can increase the risk of prostate and breast cancers, among other health problems. In a letter to the president of Indy, it is asserted that there is no apparent health rationale for recommending cow’s milk over plant-based milks. Ah, there it is.

Interestingly, one source cited by the non-profit is a 2015 study that states verbatim that “dairy product and calcium intakes have been associated with increased prostate cancer risk, but whether specific dairy products or calcium sources are associated with risk is unclear.” It goes on to suggest that “high intakes” of dairy products but not supplemental or nondairy calcium may increase cancer risk. There are umpteen different and common sources of the latter which many people consume regularly, such as sweet potatoes and broccoli and even the southern staple of collard greens. Orange juice is a decent source as well. In other words, it really seems like the non-profit chose to cheery pick an incredibly specific dataset and ran with it.

Of course, certain corners of the internet remain eager to point out that humans are one of (if not the only) beings on this planet to drink the milk of a different species. We’re also the only known species to cook brisket on a Traeger grill or expertly heel-and-toe a Mazda MX-5; doesn’t mean this author will be stopping either of those activities any time soon.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the fridge to pour myself a tall glass of cold skim milk. Cheers.

*Ed. here -- I have no anger issues. Just ask Matthew once I let him out of the trunk because he didn't use the Oxford comma. Gotta make sure he remembers for next time!

[Image: Indianapolis Motor Speedway]

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Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

More by Matthew Guy

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  • Lou_BC I don't have much need for inverters since newer vehicles have USB ports. My 2 coolers have built-in inverters. I do have a few Canadian Tire branded Chinesium ones for odds and ends stuff. Nothing high output.
  • Lou_BC "Covertly" Bullsh!t. The proper word is "overt". It is done because everyone cannot be bothered to read the EULA. If you subscribe to anything electronic, or you use anything electronic, your data gets monetized. It's even sold "sanitized" of specific identifiers.
  • Lou_BC Will I give up data aka privacy to save money?. ...............................You mean other than the data I give up by using credit cards, bank cards, cell phones, and computers?...,...................................... The majority of "spirited" driving I do is in the backcountry. There isn't any data connection out there. Google and other assorted electronic maps are woefully inaccurate. At the end of the day, I'm not concerned. .......................................... I was told that there wasn't much point getting extended warranty because I drive offroad. That had nothing to do with data. Just fine print in the insurance................................ I fully agree with @Dartman. I'm considering "safe" because of my age and lack of reported accidents.
  • Lou_BC "Patriotic - having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country" It is by definition impossible for an inanimate object, a machine, to be patriotic.
  • Varezhka And in the end, it won’t do anything because Chinese firms are already building battery factories within EU with Chinese government support.As long as the raw materials continue to come from China there really isn’t much EU can do to. They brought it upon themselves with their EV or bust policies (which itself was a reaction to their loss of grounds to the Koreans and the Japanese).