Leading the Green Drive: Hyundai's Eco-Friendly Vehicles Gain EPA Praise

TTAC Staff
by TTAC Staff
Photo credit: Roman Vyshnikov / Shutterstock.com

In the latest EPA Automotive Trends Report, Hyundai has emerged as a leading figure in eco-friendly automotive technology. The company is only second to Tesla in achieving the highest fuel economy and the lowest CO2 emissions amongst major automakers.

Hyundai's Environmental Progress

Between 2017 and 2022, Hyundai has successfully reduced its CO2 emissions from 311 g/mi to 302 g/mi and improved its fuel economy from 28.6 MPG to 29.1 MPG. These numbers reflect Hyundai's commitment to developing a more efficient range of vehicles.

Electrification and Reducing Carbon Footprint

A key aspect of Hyundai's strategy is its focus on electrification, aimed at diminishing the carbon footprint. The company offers a diverse range of electric, hybrid, and hydrogen-powered vehicles in the U.S. market, including the acclaimed IONIQ 5, IONIQ 6, and KONA Electric. Electric vehicles constituted 7% of Hyundai’s total sales in 2023, doubling from the previous year. Hyundai's ambitious goal includes launching over 17 new battery-electric models and targeting a substantial share of the global EV market by 2030.

Impact on Industry Trends

The EPA report underscores a significant shift in the automotive industry, with a marked improvement in CO2 emissions and fuel economy. Hyundai's efforts are a crucial part of this industry-wide transformation, promising further enhancements in upcoming models.

Hyundai's Economic Influence in the U.S.

Hyundai's presence in the U.S. extends beyond its environmental initiatives. With its headquarters and various facilities across the nation, Hyundai significantly contributes to the American economy and job market, underscoring its role as a key player in the automotive sector.

This article was co-written using AI and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

TTAC Staff
TTAC Staff

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  • VoGhost Matt, If you could read, you'd know that EV sales are by no means slowing. The rate of increase may be slowing, but more EVs are sold every year, on average by 40%. Please learn something about the industry you try so hard to analyze.
  • VoGhost ICE is dead. Even Nissan gets it. When will TTAC?
  • VoGhost Do all of you work for the buggy whip lobby, or is the obviousness of the near future not obvious to you?
  • Jkross22 Hybrid V8 with a proven ZF 8 speed tuned correctly or with a Getrag 6 speed manual.Sorry, what was the question?
  • SCE to AUX Hydrogen will remain a dud with many strikes against it.As for product portfolio, I'd offer:[list][*]Trucks - gas with hybrid option, with legal diesels for a premium.[/*][*]SUVs - gas with hybrid option, using the low-end truck engines.[/*][*]CUVs/Sedans - a) gas with hybrid option, b) BEV on a dedicated platform.[/*][*]No PHEVs - They are low volume, high cost, high complexity, and people rarely use them properly anyway. Because of this, their 'green-ness' will probably be investigated someday.[/*][/list]Few companies can be all things for all people, so the market shouldn't be regulated as such. It should be OK for niche players to avoid electric, and not everyone can offer a large pickup or sedan.The real challenge is that every company has limited resources (even Toyota), so committing to a risky development and sourcing program takes courage they often don't have. Both BEV and ICE are risky if the politics change against you.