VinFast Announces New U.S. Dealers Across Several States

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

VinFast has had several early bumps in the road, but the Vietnamese automaker appears to be hitting its stride in at least one area. The company recently announced an expansion to its U.S. dealer network, giving it stores in several new areas and growing its footprint to 18 dealerships in seven states.

VinFast added 12 stores, with new dealerships in Connecticut and Kentucky, five new locations in Florida, and four in Texas. With 18 stores in seven states and its corporate dealers in California, VinFast now has a surprisingly robust U.S. retail footprint, though it’s still unclear how the early reviews will affect sales of its EVs at the new locations.

Though the automaker has a range of vehicle offerings in Vietnam, its only model on sale in the U.S. is the VF 8 SUV. Deliveries have been slow to start in 2024, with only 448 new registrations in the first two months of the year. It only managed 265 in all of 2023, though that was likely due to delays in the rollout and early hiccups with the vehicle’s tech.

VinFast’s North Carolina factory will be up and running by next year and is expected to start production by the end of 2025. If the automaker meets other requirements for federal tax incentives, the domestic output would qualify its vehicles for up to $7,500 in credits at the time of sale.

The VF 8 has struggled to break ground in the increasingly crowded EV market, as spotty reviews have highlighted deficiencies with its tech, ride quality, and driver assistance features. That said, the price isn’t terrible by current EV standards, starting at $47,200 with leases at $429 monthly. Leasing EVs can also be a loophole in the federal tax credit rules, making the VF 8 slightly more attractive for buyers.

[Image: VinFast]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • 28-Cars-Later 28-Cars-Later on Apr 25, 2024

    "The VF 8 has struggled to break ground in the increasingly crowded EV market, as spotty reviews have highlighted deficiencies with its tech, ride quality, and driver assistance features. That said, the price isn’t terrible by current EV standards, starting at $47,200 with leases at $429 monthly."

    In a not so surprising turn of events, VinFast US has already gone bankrupt.

  • TheEndlessEnigma TheEndlessEnigma on Apr 26, 2024

    Poor planning here, dropping a Vinfast dealer in Pensacola FL is just not going to work. I love Pensacola and that part of the Gulf Coast, but that area is by no means an EV adoption demographic.

    • CrackedLCD CrackedLCD on Apr 29, 2024

      That was my thought as well. Pensacola itself could be considered a bit progressive but it's surrounded by a vastly larger conservative rural and naval-led area. Them and Bowling Green are definite "WTF?" choices.

  • Joe Chiaramonte Remember, it’s still not an either-or choice: EV or ICE. We’re finishing the first week of a three week Southwest US driving tour: seven states, eight National Parks. With our 2023 Sorento HEV, during a twisty, slight downhill run from Torrey, Utah, to Moab, Utah, I observed a high of 511 MPG. We wrapped up the day over 45 MPG. When I topped off the tank, it yielded 622 miles of range. Every day, I’m seeing daily averages over 30 MPG climbing and descending mountain ranges. This, for a three row, 4200 pound (unloaded) SUV with AWD.
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh This weekend I drove 817 miles from springfield oregon to christmas valley, then to wagon wheel (not making that up) down 395 to lakeview to adel to dino nevada to fields onto the alvord for overlanding, then home the back way to hwy 78 to burns.until i can buy a midsize toyota pickup that run 600 miles per charge on solidstate these drive abouts i take are not possible. but i also am the exception. if i were not driving all over hells half acre a 250 mile runabout would be good
  • Jbltg I keep cars for a long time and have done this replacement on two vehicles, so far. Completely worth it and easy to do yourself. Amazon.
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  • Dave M. From my admittedly limited experience at 8-10 H-K dealers over the past 15 years, they're all kind of shady to different degrees. The closest Kia dealer to the house is a no-go with any of their brands - Kia, Mazda, Ford, Lincoln. He caters to the LCD and its desperation all around.... You feel dirty just driving past his dealerships....