Golf Refresh Imminent, Volkswagen Celebrates With Retro Photos

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

Next year will mark five decades since Volkswagen presented its first Golf, showing up with front-wheel drive and its engine ahead of the driver unlike the loaded-diaper Beetle. The model, currently in its eighth generation (or Mk8 as forum dweebs like to say) will receive some freshening for the big party in 2024 – and VW has decided to mark the occasion with a few retro photos.

If you’re looking for a way in which to while away the time at yer desk during these nebulous few days between Christmas and New Year’s, when no one’s sure what day it is and we’re all filled with cheese, may we gently suggest pointing an internet browser to this page on VW’s media site. There is a wealth of Golf history and, more importantly, entertaining snaps of the model from different eras along with more than a few creative print ads. Go mad and use up the company bandwidth – we won’t tell.

As for the upcoming Golf refresh, VW released a typical teaser shot which only reveals new lighting signatures up front plus a potential massaging of the bumper style. The company also promises Der Golf 8.5 will have new assist systems and “next-generation infotainment systems and software.” The latter is likely to be hauled from the brand’s SUV lineup where a wholesale rethink of such tech is mercifully underway in an effort to bin some of the, erm, odd UX decisions of present-day VW infotainment systems.

The bumf also talks in vague terms about new powertrains, though nothing is mentioned with even the slightest amount of specificity. There’s every chance in the world that the GTI may gain a few ponies from its current 241-horse stable, though any movement on that trim would likely necessitate also cranking the wick on the R, a machine which is presently good for 315 horsepower.

The company promises a premiere of the updated Golf (not next-gen, as VW themselves call the changes an ‘evolutionary development’) is just a few weeks away, suggesting versions might land on dealer lots this side of the pond before Santa shows up again.

[Images: Volkswagen]

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Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

More by Matthew Guy

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3 of 22 comments
  • 3SpeedAutomatic 3SpeedAutomatic on Dec 30, 2023

    Back in the day when you were actually in control of the car.

    No anti-lock, no power steering, no power windows. Maybe a stereo, flip open roof panel, 5 speed stick, stiff suspension but your buns were firmer back then. 🚗🚗🚗

    Today, you drive a rechargeable toaster in muted colors. 🚫🚫🚫

    • Teddyc73 Teddyc73 on Mar 20, 2024

      Yeah, and cars with "No anti-lock, no power steering, no power windows. Maybe a stereo, flip open roof panel, 5 speed stick, stiff suspension" were horrible.

  • Inside Looking Out Inside Looking Out on Jan 01, 2024

    Back to the future.

  • Matt Posky EVs are fine. People can buy them. Companies should build them. But the regulations and products have to be sound. The issue is that they aren't -- whether we are talking about all-electric vehicles or combustion ones.
  • MaintenanceCosts The fact is that if you are in product planning for a worldwide automaker the Chinese market comes first, the European market second, and our market after that.That means you have to have a lineup of EVs in at least the segments that sell in China and Europe. That means small to medium CUVs, city cars, and maybe a couple of global-size SUVs and pickups. If you have development dollars left over after serving your biggest markets, maybe you can put them into North America-specific products like large CUVs and full-size pickups. At least for the next 10 years you will need an ICE hybrid powertrain to go with those products.Non-hybrid ICE is a dead end for all but the tiniest niche of sports cars.
  • Duties I’ve never liked Nissan, but think the new Rogue and Parhfinder are at least, finally attractive. I will never own an EV. Bye Nissan. Sayonara.
  • Daniel Bridger Bye, bye Nissan.
  • Billccm What a shame. I remember when Buick built premium cars at a reasonable price.