Genesis Recalls 90K Vehicles for Fire Risk

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

A new recall has been issued for numerous models in the Genesis family of vehicles, stretching all the way back to 2015 when about half of the vehicles in this safety alert were still named the Hyundai Genesis.

Trouble apparently stems from wiring connected to the car’s starter solenoid, a piece of technology with which most of us old-timers in the audience will be familiar thanks to janky wiring on hoopties from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Back then, more than a few of these starter solenoids were mounted on the inside fender of a car’s engine bay, making it a very convenient reach when it came time to cross the terminals with a bent and pitted chrome vanadium screwdriver during attempts to coax the beast into life.

No? Maybe that’s just me and a few box-body Crown Vics, then.

In any event, those days are long gone but starter solenoids are not – at least not on 90,907 Genesis vehicles including the 2015/2016 Hyundai Genesis, 2017 to 2019 Genesis G80s and G90s, plus the scattered 2019 Genesis G70. Safety wonks at the federal level claim the starter solenoid in these rigs could be contaminated with water if operated in abnormally wet conditions like as a flooded road. Moisture contamination within the starter solenoid could then cause an electrical short over time, leading to a possible overcurrent and subsequent conflagration.

As with any recall involving a fire, the brand is recommending parking these vehicles outside and away from structures until the recall is completed – but that’s a standard line invented by pencil necked bedwetting lawyers to cover the company’s interests. It’s easy low hanging fruit to write a bombastic headline shouting that GENESIS VEHICLES CAN’T BE PARKED INSIDE TAKE CARE BARB GOBBLESS because, whilst technically true, we feel the need to point out that wiring to a solenoid only carries electrical current whilst the driver is thumbing the Start button, not continuously. Yes, ok, better safe than sorry and all that.

The recall states recent models were given a protective boot on the starter solenoid magnetic switch as a running change in production during January 2019, explaining why newer model years are not affected by the recall. Interestingly, the remedy for this issue doesn’t involve retrofitting this boot but will be gifted a “remedy relay kit” in the engine junction box.

[Image: Genesis]

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Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

More by Matthew Guy

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3 of 27 comments
  • Kwi65728132 Kwi65728132 on Feb 20, 2024

    "Safety wonks at the federal level claim the starter solenoid in these rigs could be contaminated with water if operated in abnormally wet conditions like as a flooded road."

    Don't drive on flooded roads or "Turn around, don't down"

    It sounds like just plain common sense to not submerge your fancy vehicle in a body of standing water, unless you're doing it for the insurance money because you bought more car than your subprime credit rating can afford to pay for.

    • SCE to AUX SCE to AUX on Feb 20, 2024

      Agreed, but in my line of work we call this "foreseeable abuse". Whether the car functions after flood immersion is irrelevant, but safety remains a concern.

  • Principe Raphael Principe Raphael on Mar 01, 2024

    I am curious about how they didn’t catch this while creating the cars…

  • Theflyersfan I'm in the camp of that not all speed kills, but extreme speed differential kills. On a long drive, I can fall into a groove with long haul traffic going 75-80 in a 70 to 75 mph zone. No driving crazy or dangerous. What causes many wrecks in those situations are those going 50 in the left lane (way too common here), scared mergers entering at 40 mph, semis blocking multiple lanes, and unsafe drivers not using lights or driving unsafe cars. I also think the rise of 500 hp, 6,000 pound SUVs have dulled people into not realizing how quickly they are moving. It's almost like cruising at 38,000 feet if the SUV is comfortable. 85 mph in that is nothing until sudden braking or swerving is needed. Then Newton's laws take over. Compare that to a 2,300 lb MX-5 a few inches off of the ground. When you go 80, you know it. The engine and noise remind you! And you respect the speed a bit more.So I'm against speed limiters. I'm for much stronger enforcement and education and graduated licensing.
  • Srd275 Enough of the nanny state
  • 28-Cars-Later I realize it would be rewarding failure but could we force the legislatures and Congress critters to only work for six months out of the year to limit the damage and overall level of stupidity released?
  • Dartman In the heads up display of my BMW it displays the speed limit of the road I’m on and if I exceed it it shows my current speed in red. Not obtrusive at all and useful. Not hard at all to ignore like on the freeway where the average speed is 75 but the limit is 65. Much ado about nothing . Speed limiters would be a different matter.
  • Lou_BC "Cougar Eliminator" There's a girlfriend joke in there somewhere.