CES 2024: This Automaker Is Launching a New EV Series

TTAC Staff
by TTAC Staff
Space Hub Concept - Photo credit: Honda

Honda announced the upcoming launch of the Honda 0 Series, a new electric vehicle (EV) series set for release in North America in 2026, with subsequent introductions planned for other global markets. This initiative is part of Honda's strategy to expand its EV offerings.

Saloon and Space-Hub: Concept Models of the 0 Series

The 0 Series is showcased through two concept models, the Saloon and the Space-Hub, which were presented at CES 2024. These models highlight Honda's approach to EV design and technology.

  • Saloon: This model is built on a dedicated EV platform and adheres to Honda's "M/M" design principle. It features a combination of an external design and a spacious interior, utilizing sustainable materials. The Saloon incorporates technologies such as steer-by-wire and motion control management systems.
  • Space-Hub: Focusing on creating a versatile cabin space, the Space-Hub is designed to offer flexibility and connectivity for passengers, aligning with the development concept of being functional and efficient.
Saloon Concept - Photo credit: Honda
Space Hub Concept - Photo credit: Honda

Design and Engineering Principles of the 0 Series

The 0 Series is developed based on the principles of functionality and efficiency, aiming to offer an alternative approach to EV design and engineering.

  • Design Philosophy: Honda's design philosophy for the 0 Series seeks to integrate considerations for the environment, society, and users through sustainable materials and design.

Technology and Performance Features

  • Advanced Driver-Assistive System: The 0 Series will incorporate technologies from the Honda SENSING Elite system, focusing on driver assistance and safety features.
  • Connected Technologies: Honda is developing a unique operating system for the 0 Series that will use AI and driver data to improve the user experience, offering personalized information and suggestions.
  • Aerodynamic Performance: The 0 Series aims to incorporate aerodynamic technologies to enhance vehicle performance, drawing on Honda's experience in motorsports.
  • Battery Technology: The focus for the 0 Series is on efficient battery technology, aiming to balance power and battery life, while minimizing degradation over time.

To conclude, the introduction of the Honda 0 Series marks a notable development in EV technology, showcasing Honda's approach to combining advanced design with new technological features. This series signifies Honda's ongoing efforts to contribute to a more sustainable and interconnected mode of transportation.

This article was co-written using AI and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

TTAC Staff
TTAC Staff

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 1 comment
  • Fred Fred on Jan 10, 2024
    With Honda show cars, it's the technology they are showing that is important. We can forgive them for appearance and names. I mean come on "Space Hub" is kind of 1960s
  • Cprescott Sounds like people are trying to find reasons to justify expensive golf carts AFTER the fact instead of building into networks for this purpose. I can see someone wanting to recharge their batteries with solar, but to purposely pull energy from the grid and to put the battery through more cycles to act as a power brick seems like an expensive option.
  • IBx1 Any "cloud" hardware (cloud is just someone else's computer) that gets mandated into e-waste like this should have its software open-sourced by law so it can continue to be used at the owner's choice.If you have one of these and they don't give you a refund, issue chargebacks for as many months of your subscription as will add up to the cost of the device.
  • Zerofoo This is my worry with ALL in-car technology, including tech provided by auto OEMs. What happens when the manufacturer of your car decides not to provide updates or repair parts for the giant tablet stuck to your dashboard that runs your HVAC controls? This is a way different problem than the manufacturer opening up the CAD files for the water pump in your car to the aftermarket.
  • Carson D Has the energy storage fire in San Diego burned itself out yet?
  • JMII I think most are missing the point. This is not to power your house, the way I read it the concept is store electrons when production of them is not in demand, IE: over night. Then when everyone walks up and turns on the blender, coffee maker, toaster, TV, etc and electrons are suddenly in high demand you can sell them back from the storage location which is your EV just sitting in the garage. This way the grid is not overwhelmed. It could work, you would be paid to let someone "borrow" your electrons at peak until you could recharge during downtime. Due to surge / demand pricing you would buy low and sell high. I see this working best for people working from home or accessing a plug at work. After all your vehicle spends 90% of its time parked doing nothing and going nowhere. Why not get paid for that idle time? A simple app would could be programmed to cut off the transfer at a predetermined level, lets 30-50% charge so you could still drive home.The lack of outside the box thinkers on this site is getting depressing. Everything regarding EVs is always the worst idea ever 🙄