Ford Teases Next F-150, Full Reveal Tomorrow

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

Can manufacturers tend to enjoy shrouding their upcoming vehicles in a cloud of ranchland dust or billowing tire smoke – depending on what they’re trying to keep under wraps, of course. Pickup trucks often get the former, which is exactly what was deployed for a brief teaser video for the next F-150 which popped up on Instagram just one day before the entire thing is revealed in Detroit.

These screencaps confirm we’re looking at what most would consider a so-called mid-cycle refresh, with new lights and different grille treatments serving as relatively cost-effective ways to juice interest in an existing model. Beats having to reform yaffles of bodywork and stamp out new fenders, anyway.

Peering through the dust we can easily see the 2024 F-150’s new headlights, units that still possess some of the ‘c-clamp’ styling flourish but whose outside upper corners now dip backward toward the A-pillar. Expect these to be the peepers on upper trims, such as the Platinum shown here. One can tell this is a Platinum thanks to the brightwork billboard spelling out that trim across the leading edge of this truck’s hood.

The grille on this Platinum is slightly different than last year, with something of a horizontal gap bifurcating the space that aligns with design features in the headlamps. The belt buckle Ford logo is still centered, of course, and it would be an interesting exercise to see how much that badge has grown in the last few decades. Hmm. Stay tuned for that.

Around the back it's not tough to see the tail lamps have been massaged, perhaps incorporating new sensors and the like. This suggests some tools like the nifty payload indicators, which illuminate in the same manner as signal strength bars on a smartphone, could be shuffled to a new area. This author highly doubts they will vanish, such is their innovative usefulness.

We’ll find out tomorrow if there are changes under the hood, though F-150’s powertrain selection is arguably already the broadest in the segment. Ditto for any tailgate innovations to rival the barn doors at Ram or origami units at GM, though we will argue Ford started that particular party with the man step all those years ago.

We’ll surely have all the details after they drop tomorrow.

[Images: Ford Instagram]

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Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

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  • Blueice Toyota, Mazda and Subaru, will all be vindicated for their decision to go Hibread. As usual, American manufactures continue their misconduct for product introduction; which means never, never buy their poorly preforming stocks or bonds.
  • Bd2 Anything with a Hyundai logo of authenticity is the best car for anyone.
  • Mike Beranek Gee, UAW status at this plant would eliminate this problem entirely, wouldn't it?
  • CanadaCraig VoGhost - According to the Harvard Study that you may have referenced, millions of those deaths are caused by wildfires [forest fires] and agricultural burns. How many are actually caused by people driving their ICE powered cars? That said.... I wonder how many lives are SAVED because of fossil fuels. How many people are not freezing to death each year? [and so on]
  • Ptcruiser Put a PTEazer nose on it and let Chrysler sell some. Make it a 2 seater with no back seats. Have two or three battery pack versions. Affordable 140 mile pack. 180 mile pack. 240 mile pack. All versions to offer plug in behind seats, pack plug ins under flat storage floor, for EGO batteries for extended range. Room for 4 or 5 across and 2 or 3 rows back. Apartment life could have two home chargers to charge up multiple EGO batteries. EGO batteries would recharge main packs when main packs are below EGO battery level. One way power draw. Since Apartment life is without charging abilities.