Carbon Negative: Toyota Working On a Carbon Capture Filtration System

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

Toyota has taken an all-around beating for its decision to focus on a diverse array of alternative fuels and electrification options instead of going all-in on EVs, but that approach has started to look more prudent as other companies struggle with slower-than-expected growth. The Japanese auto giant has developed hydrogen powertrains and been a staunch supporter of hybrid technologies, and now it is testing a new engine that can remove carbon from the air.

The carbon capture engine first appeared in a GR Corolla race car last year as part of a hydrogen fuel cell powertrain. It was already a zero-emissions configuration, but the added filtration system can actually remove carbon from the air around the car.

“This type of technology to capture carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is advancing rapidly in the infrastructure industry. But as far as we know, Toyota is the first company to test this technology in a vehicle,” Naoaki Ito, Gazoo Racing’s project general manager, said.

Toyota’s carbon capture system uses two filters and a fluid reservoir that traps carbon dioxide. It uses no energy, and the fluid moves into the reservoir using the engine’s heat. The automaker worked with Kawasaki Heavy Industries to develop the filters, which are similar to the technology used in modern exhaust systems.

Though Toyota tested the system in a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, it said the tech would work with any motorized vehicle, including ones with gas engines. Right now, however, the system doesn’t capture as much carbon as a traditional vehicle produces in regular operation, so there’s work to do to make it commercially viable.

[Image: Toyota]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • Norman Stansfield Norman Stansfield on Feb 26, 2024

    Need a way that's energy efficient & good for the environment to capture carbon.


  • Lorenzo Lorenzo on Feb 26, 2024

    I hope the carbon filter isn't TOO efficient. People (and all life on this planet) are all carbon-based lifeforms. I don't want to get suctioned by a carbon filter while driving!

  • 1995 SC Love these. I prefer the earlier not for any particular styling reason but because as pointed out, you can get headlight bulbs for it and they have normal tail lights as well. I believe this is when the Neon tail light made its appearance. The fixed air ride is a plus, but you'd want to know what brand was used...some of ther kits are not good quality at all. I really miss these domestic coupes (at least when mine is on jackstands as it is now). Great driving cars when sorted though.
  • Mike Beranek The last of the PLCs, along with the Riv and the Eldo/ETS. An automotive form that outsold everything else for 25 years, then faded into obscurity.
  • Akear Both the Trump and Biden administrations have been irked that Apple has been so reliant on China for their manufacturing. In fact, Biden has weaponized the DOJ against Apple. Apple should be careful.
  • Gray I haven't seen one of these in a long time. The Mark VII looked good, but these were really blobby looking. I don't dislike it as much as I used to, but... hmmm. Good price for a project car that's complete. I've never driven one of these, so I don't know if that would improve my opinion on it.
  • SCE to AUX Pretty car - doesn't look so terrible. Probably worth the price, then an engine rebuild.