The June 2024 issue of IEEE Spectrum is here!

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Video Friday: No Pilot Needed

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

2 min read

Evan Ackerman is IEEE Spectrum’s robotics editor.

A photo showing an autonomous drone launching itself from a metal box on the side of a highway

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

ICRA 2023: 29 May–2 June 2023, LONDON
RoboCup 2023: 4–10 July 2023, BORDEAUX, FRANCE
RSS 2023: 10–14 July 2023, DAEGU, KOREA
IEEE RO-MAN 2023: 28–31 August 2023, BUSAN, KOREA

Enjoy today’s videos!

Well, now humans aren’t necessary for launching drones, landing drones, charging drones, or flying drones. Thanks, Skydio!

[ Skydio ]

Do not underestimate the pleasure of hearing little metal feet climbing up metal walls.

[ Science Robotics ]

The latest in the Zoox testing series, this video showcases how Zoox tests the maneuverability capabilities of its robotaxi, which are critical for operation in dense urban environments. Four-wheel steering, bidirectional design, and active suspension are some of the features integrated into the Zoox robotaxi to ensure every ride is a smooth ride.

[ Zoox ]

Thanks, Whitney!

The Ligō device is a novel 3D bioprinting platform that supports the functional healing of skin tissue after acute skin injuries such as extensive burns. It is developed in Australia by an interdisciplinary team at Sydney-based startup Inventia Life Science. The Ligō robot prints tiny droplets containing the patient’s skin cells and optimized biomaterials into the wound directly in the operating room, combining the Kuka LBR Med and Inventia’s patented 3D bioprinting technology. In this way, tissue-guided regeneration is stimulated, allowing the body to heal itself and restore healthy skin that improves the quality of life for skin-injury survivors.

[ Inventia ]

In the first quarter of 2022, our group demoed ANYmal and Spot carrying out automated inspection at Chevron’s blending plant in Ghent, Belgium.

[ ORI ]

I have to think that for teleoperation, this is much harder than it looks.

[ Sanctuary AI ]

Meet the software Development Engineers from Amazon’s Global Ops Robotics, who are working together to deliver innovations that will shape the future of Amazon operations.

[ Amazon ]

This video highlights the impact of Covariant’s AI-powered Robotic Putwall, at Capacity, a third-party logistics company serving some of the world’s largest e-commerce brands. Affectionately named Waldo, the autonomous put wall has been fulfilling thousands of customer orders at over 500 picks per hour, with less than 0.1 percent of them needing human intervention.

[ Covariant ]

What does Moxie do? Best to just ask Moxie.

[ Embodied ]

I’m not sure what this is, but I’ll be watching!

[ Fraunhofer ]

It still kind of blows my mind that you can just go and buy yourself a robot dog.

[ Trossen ]

Here are a series of talks from the Can We Build Baymax? workshop, focusing on education and open source for humanoid robots.

[ CWBB ]

This University of Pennsylvania GRASP on Robotics talk is from Harold Soh at the National University of Singapore: “Towards Trustworthy Robots That Interact With People.”

What will it take to develop robots that work with us in real-world tasks? In this talk, we’ll discuss some of our work across the autonomy stack of a robot as we make progress towards an answer. We’ll begin with multimodal sensing and perception, and then move on to modeling humans with little data. We’ll end with the primary insights gained in our journey and a discussion of challenges in deriving robots that we trust to operate in social environments.

[ UPenn ]

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