The June 2024 issue of IEEE Spectrum is here!

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Video Friday: Automotive Artistry

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

3 min read

Evan Ackerman is IEEE Spectrum’s robotics editor.

Video Friday: Automotive Artistry

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

ICRA 2022: 23 May–27 May 2022, PHILADELPHIA
IEEE ARSO 2022: 28 May–30 May 2022, LONG BEACH, CALIF.
RSS 2022: 21 June–1 July 2022, NEW YORK CITY
ERF 2022: 28 June–30 June 2022, ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS
RoboCup 2022: 11 July–17 July 2022, BANGKOK
IEEE CASE 2022: 20 August–24 August 2022, MEXICO CITY
CLAWAR 2022: 12 September–14 September 2022, AZORES, PORTUGAL

Enjoy today's videos!

ABB Robotics has collaborated with two world-renowned artists—8-year-old Indian child prodigy Advait Kolarkar and Dubai-based digital-design collective Illusorr—to create the world’s first robot-painted art car. ABB’s award-winning PixelPaint technology has, without human intervention, perfectly recreated Advait’s swirling, monochromatic design as well as Illusorr’s tricolor geometrical patterns.

[ ABB ]

Working closely with users and therapists, EPFL spin-off Emovo Care has developed a light and easy-to-attach hand exoskeleton for people unable to grasp objects following a stroke or accident. The device has been successfully tested in several hospitals and rehabilitation centers.

This is pretty amazing, because it’s not just a research project—it’s actually a product that's helping patients. If you think this might be able to help you (and you live in Switzerland), Emovo is currently offering free trials.

[ Emovo Care ] via [ EPFL ]

Thanks, Luca!

Uh, I don’t exactly know where this research is going, but the fact that they’ve got a pair of robotic legs that are nearly 2 meters tall is a little scary.


The most impressive thing about this aerial tour of AutoX’s Pingshan RoboTaxi Operations Center is that AutoX has nine (!) more of them.

[ AutoX ]

In addition to delivering your lunch, Relay+ will also magically transform plastic food packaging into more eco-friendly cardboard. Amazing!

[ Relay ]

Meet Able Mabel, the incredible robotic housekeeper, whose only function is to make your life more leisurely. Yours for just £500. Too good to be true? Well, in 1966 it is, but if Professor Thring at the department of mechanical engineering of Queen Mary College has his way, by 1976 there could be an Able Mabel in every home. He shows us some of the robotic prototypes he has been working on.

This clip is from “Tomorrow's World,” originally broadcast 16 June 1966.

[ BBC Archive ]

I find the sound effects in this video to be very confusing.

[ AgileX ]

The first part of this video is extremely satisfying to watch.

[ Paper ] via [ AMTL ]

Thanks to this unboxing video of the Jueying X20 quadruped, I now know that it’s best practice to tuck your robot dog in when you’ve finished playing with it.

[ Deep Robotics ]

As not-sold as I am on urban drone delivery, I will grant you that Wing is certainly putting the work in.

[ Wing ]

GlobalFoundries, a global semiconductor manufacturer, has turned to Spot to further automate their data collection for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. Manufacturing facilities are filled with thousands of inspection points, and adding fixed sensors to all these assets is not economical. With Spot bringing the sensors to their assets, the team collects valuable information about the thermal condition of pumps and motors, as well as taking analog gauge readings.

[ Boston Dynamics ]

The Langley Aerodrome No. 8 (LA-8) is a distributed-electric-propulsion, vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft that is being used for wind-tunnel testing and free-flight testing at the NASA Langley Research Center. The intent of the LA-8 project is to provide a low-cost, modular test bed for technologies in the area of advanced air mobility, which includes electric urban and short regional flight.

[ NASA ]

As social robots become increasingly prevalent in day-to-day environments, they will participate in conversations and appropriately manage the information shared with them. However, little is known about how robots might appropriately discern the sensitivity of information, which has major implications for human-robot trust. As a first step to address a part of this issue, we designed a privacy controller, CONFIDANT, for conversational social robots, capable of using contextual metadata (for example, sentiment, relationships, topic) from conversations to model privacy boundaries.

[ Paper ]

The Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society (AIRS) is hosting a series of special talks on modular self-reconfigurable robots, starting with Mark Yim and Kirstin Petersen.

Subscribe to the AIRS YouTube channel for more talks over the next few weeks!

[ AIRS ]

Thanks, Tin Lun!

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