Stuff We Use: What’s the Best Car Wash Soap?

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

On our never-ending quest to improve this place by listening to feedback from the B&B, we are taking a new tack with these product posts, choosing instead to focus on items we use and have purchased with our own meager income. After all, if we’re giving you the truth about cars, we ought to give you the truth about car accessories.

Following up on the recent Stuff We Use which highlighted the brands of foam cannons we deploy on our own vehicles, it seemed appropriate to showcase the soap chosen to use in those things. Of course, good car suds doesn’t care if you mix it up in a cannon or a bucket – just be sure to avoid scratching the paint, ok?

Actually, it’s a decent idea to kick this article off with a note about car washing techniques. Whether one uses a cannon or bucket, a key component of not harming yer ride’s paint is to deploy a washcloth (or mitt, or whatever) that’s smoother than an android’s bottom. Some gearheads take it to the next level with expensive towels and the like, which is fine for those who can afford such expenditures. Our main message is to use a cloth that’s clean and soft, one which is rinsed frequently and pitched into the laundry hamper if it comes anywhere close to getting dropped on the ground.

For those of us not using a foam cannon, there is merit in the so-called ‘two bucket’ method, which sees the user have separate buckets for suds and rinsing. The intent here is to keep the grime that has been wiped off the car from being reintroduced to the soapy wash water. Some folks place a plastic filter-like grate near the bottom of their wash bucket to trap dirt, a notion which is also a decent idea. The main takeaway here is to only touch the car’s paint with a soft, clean cloth.

But back to the soap. This author’s go-to is the Mr. Pink suds from Chemical Guys. Not overly cheap but on sale now for about a decade and backed by a swarm of positive reviews, this stuff never fails to work itself into a frenzied lather of the type one would see in car wash commercials or that one Liv Tyler video with the Geo Metro. It works equally well with a foam cannon or bucket, though the cannon will provide extra (and likely thicker) coverage much more quickly. 

As a bonus, the stuff smells great and you can make all the Reservoir Dogs jokes you want to anyone within earshot. The product is designed as a concentrate, which doesn’t mean it pays attention in math class. Rather, the crew at Chemical Guys say just 1-3 oz. of Mr. Pink in a 5-gallon wash bucket should be more than enough to create a foam frenzy. If there are any scientists in the audience, please feel free to weigh in on the claim that Mr. Pink is pH balanced, a trait making it gentle on all exterior surfaces of an automobile.

Another product of this type on our list is the Mega Foam from Adam’s Polishes. What this company saves in marketing and attractive bottle design they more than make up for in creating a good soap. Like Mr. Pink, this stuff also draws many positive reviews from strangers on the internet, and we’ve had good luck with it in our own driveway. The company boasts 10x the normal concentration of standard soap formulas, though it definitely does not provide ten times the amount of soap as the Mr. Pink stuff. They’re probably talking about the discount brands which we tend to avoid.

I’ll take this opportunity to also recommend a product called Optimum No Rinse. This stuff is a car wash soap alternative designed to only require 1 oz of product per 2 gallons of water, an amount which should be more than enough to wash your entire car. Pro tip: go out and buy distilled water at Walmart for this task since that liquid is almost guaranteed not to leave spots on the finish. Mix up the recommended ratio of ONR and distilled water, then pour it into a clean spray bottle. Since this task isn’t undertaken too frequently and intended only as a stopgap for keeping yer car looking good between washes, spending a couple of bucks on distilled water for this express purpose shouldn’t break the bank.

For reasons known only to my addled brain, no fewer than four of our last half dozen cars have been painted black – a shade that looks great when clean but can appear shabby if not kept up. This is where ONR helps immensely, especially in the dead of winter. The product is designed to encapsulate and create a barrier between dirt particulates and an automotive finish, meaning the prepared mixture can be liberally sprayed onto a lightly dirty surface and wiped away with a clean towel. This is perfect for mid-winter cleanings in the warmth of a heated garage or in the confines of a condo’s underground parking lot. We wouldn’t recommend this approach with an extremely dirty car – but it is the only time we’ll ever lay washcloth to paint without thoroughly rinsing a car first. In fact, this method feels utterly wrong the first time you try it, but the results speak for themselves.

As always, this series will continue to focus on items we’ve actually used. Now, as with the last post, go get cleaning.

[Image: Ultraskrip/]

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Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

More by Matthew Guy

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  • SCE to AUX Agree 100%.
  • Macca To me it seems like the current EV conundrum is at least partially driven by a standoff between the manufacturer and the consumer, complicated by regulations (and the laws of physics). There is an identity crisis as to the ideal EV. To some, it is a decidedly non-luxury city-friendly compact that isn’t intended for long highway trips – these have struggled to consistently find buyers in the US. To others, they’re still mostly viewed as a luxury toy – perhaps their ideal is a $250k luxury sedan with 1,234 HP that can blast to 60 MPH in 1.9 seconds, or even a 8,600 lb SUV. We see more excitement toward the latter end of the spectrum – with such examples occupying the same spot as the ultra-lux/sports/’fun’ car of yesteryear. To me, EVs make more sense on the humble side of the spectrum, but wealthy buyers don't want to merely eek along with the hoi polloi in a tiny EV. I don’t bemoan choice, after all, ICE runs a similar gamut from the Mirage to the Chiron. It does appear, though, that the would-be Leaf-class buyer continues to be alienated (a group admittedly middling in number). Those considering a $29k Leaf seem to either find an efficient ICE/hybrid (perhaps a $24k Corolla Hybrid or $28k Camry Hybrid) -or- they have the funds to move up to a newer platform/larger/more powerful/greater range EV in a higher price bracket. A Leaf in the driveway, after all, doesn’t stoke envy – to most folks it looks like a Versa hatch – at best you might get a hug from a polar bear. Some of the legacy automakers drawing the deepest line in the sand on ending ICE (Jaguar, for example) are already extreme niche marques struggling to maintain a brand identity (and to move metal). If your aging lineup is already a toy/luxury purchase and sales are floundering, why not attempt a rebirth to cater to the high-end EV buyer? Folks are lined up none-deep to buy the $73k I-Pace – so is there a budding Jaguar-EV owner base? There seems to be a bit of survivorship bias in that some manufacturers see ‘strong’ sales in the upper-5-figure $$ register of EVs and think that’s the heart of the market. Instead, it seems that the still-exotic nature of EVs skews EV-intending consumers to higher tax brackets (and thusly higher-end EVs). Tesla has seemingly pulled off an established, diverse lineup with some 'affordable' models. Hyundai has made decent sales with the Ioniq 5The Big [s]Three[/s] Two are struggling with brand identity and approach (as usual). EVs aren’t mainstream enough to acquire the economy buyer at scale (yet?) so I would, as others have said, take a MOR approach with hybrids like Toyota and let other mfg's step on the rake. Rumors of ICE's death are greatly exaggerated.
  • Rover Sig The list of reasons why EVs are not good for much - except golf carts and urban delivery vehicles/short range commuter cars - is lengthy and compelling. And the electrical grid - in many areas still dependent on coal - won't be able to support them. I remembers when the example from enlightened Europe was "go diesel" and American car builders tried that on us. Today, diesel is dead for private automobiles, and the hysteria has moved on to EVs. Better, cheaper fuels await the day the government regulators allow the market to operate freely and give up on telling us what to drive.
  • Redapple2 Fine cars, I m sure. I ll take a 911.
  • Ajla I have an acquaintance that inherited one of these when his father passed away. It's a 390 and quite original but also needs some TLC.Despite me and my pals being capable folks he refuses to let us work on it, even with free labor involved. So it just sits under a tarp in his garage slowly rotting away and eventually some chucklef*ck will get a "barn find" after he dies himself.