Stellantis is Dropping Billions on Ethanol Tech in South America

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

Dodge is in the news this week with its new Charger, which will be offered with gas and electric powertrains. While the automaker’s parent company is moving toward electrification, it remains dedicated to internal combustion, announcing that it would invest billions in a new engine that runs on ethanol. The automaker said its investments in South America, specifically Brazil, show its confidence in the continent and a desire to reduce emissions with bio-hybrid technologies.

Stellantis said the engine could power up to 40 new models and noted that the design allows it to slot into the company's existing factories in South America, reducing costs. The first flex fuel vehicle is due out late this year. Stellantis will eventually offer three variations on the theme, including a hybrid, a plug-in hybrid, and a full EV.

South America is a significant market for Stellantis, where sales of Fiat buoyed the brand’s bottom line and helped make it the company’s best-selling brand. The automaker said that it leads Brazil, Argentina, and Chile in sales, exceeding 878,000 units last year and giving it a 23.5 percent market share.

Stellantis, at least in America, is the house that Hellcat built, so it’s unclear if these technologies will make their way to our shores. There have only been a few EV announcements from the company, but it’s moving away from the rowdy V8s of the last several years into smaller turbocharged applications and plug-in hybrids.

The Dodge Charger might not be the most appealing to gearheads, but the electric and gas versions don’t give up much performance to achieve their lower emissions. The electric Charger Daytona has up to 670 horsepower and a 3.3-second 0-60 mph time, while the Scat Pack configuration can cover the quarter mile in 11.5 seconds.

[Image: Stellantis]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • Lorenzo Lorenzo on Mar 07, 2024

    Funny that Brazil (or Brasil - they spell it both ways) was originally tucked into the armpit of Africa next to that continent's biggest oil producer, Nigeria, and Brazil/Brasil hasn't begun to discover how much oil it has.

    As for "carbon", CO2 in the air is necessary for photosynthesis, and it's a trace gas. When it was 7,000 ppm, it was called the Cambrian Explosion, when most existing forms of life developed. That 7,000 sounds like a lot, but there's 10,000 ppm of inert argon in the atmosphere, and that's only 1%.

    The claim that the world will get hotter/drier with more CO2 in the atmosphere is unscientific hogwash, a tool for power-hungry idiots to take control. We saw what they did with Covid, which is now treated like the flu, not a killer disease.

    Pump the oil, make the gasoline, and see the USA in your Toyota Camray.

    • See 1 previous
    • Lorenzo Lorenzo on Mar 13, 2024

      Yes, Lou, 250 million years ago, brazil and Nigeria were neighbors. That's when the oil formed, during the Permian mass extinction that also split the Afro-American segment into two continents. That's also when West Texas permian oil deposits were laid down. Brazil has 17.7B illion, or 14.85 billion, or 16.68 billion barrels of proven oil reserves - so far.

  • TheEndlessEnigma TheEndlessEnigma on Mar 08, 2024

    Feels like Stellantis is just flailing around now.

  • Jkross22 Hybrid V8 with a proven ZF 8 speed tuned correctly or with a Getrag 6 speed manual.Sorry, what was the question?
  • SCE to AUX Hydrogen will remain a dud with many strikes against it.As for product portfolio, I'd offer:[list][*]Trucks - gas with hybrid option, with legal diesels for a premium.[/*][*]SUVs - gas with hybrid option, using the low-end truck engines.[/*][*]CUVs/Sedans - a) gas with hybrid option, b) BEV on a dedicated platform.[/*][*]No PHEVs - They are low volume, high cost, high complexity, and people rarely use them properly anyway. Because of this, their 'green-ness' will probably be investigated someday.[/*][/list]Few companies can be all things for all people, so the market shouldn't be regulated as such. It should be OK for niche players to avoid electric, and not everyone can offer a large pickup or sedan.The real challenge is that every company has limited resources (even Toyota), so committing to a risky development and sourcing program takes courage they often don't have. Both BEV and ICE are risky if the politics change against you.
  • 28-Cars-Later "The automaker is aware of around 300 deliveries that might have come as a part of the dealer’s efforts, and audits revealed that there were more than 20 vehicles still on its lot that were reported sold."Not sure but it sounds as if they were selling the cars to themselves to collect either individual or the monthly shop incentive. Dealer do sell cars to themselves to make the monthly nut sometimes but I'm sure there is a limit in the fine print of the franchise agreement which 300 would exceed. The "wholesale" end of it is how I would get rid of them because there are only so many high dollar sales the UCM can make in a month (call them "demos", there are buyers who eat those up). The problem sounds like the morons seemed to keep all the "sales" on the lot and then sold at least 100 all at once in one deal which looks suspicious. Should have been unloading the "sold" inventory weekly in small chunks on the block (at nearly any price). Idiots. Probably could have stayed under the radar if done on a much smaller scale. Greed kills.
  • Lou_BC I like the fact that Kia is going after dealerships like this. I ran across some outright lies and misleading advertisements when looking for my current truck. I filed a complaint with GM Canada. Their reply, "times are tough and dealers are independent companies separate from GMC.
  • Canam23 While the Mirage makes me ill just looking at it, I believe that Mitsubishi is well above Nissan in reliability. Everyone I knew who's sister bought a Versa had constant issues with them.