Ford Plans Affordable EV Models and Promises Profitability

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

Ford hasn’t had the best luck with profitability on its electric vehicle business, but the automaker is not shying away from aiming at the cheaper end of the EV spectrum. CEO Jim Farley recently confirmed that the company would purse sub-$30,000 electric models with its next-generation product line, and said that its existing models would become better in the meantime.

Farley noted that company executives are aware of buyers’ desire for more affordable EVs, noting Ford’s recent price cuts on the Mustang Mach-E, which gave the SUV a striking sales bump. The automaker’s hybrid models are quite popular, however, driven to a large degree by its expansive fleet business.

Ford’s gas-vehicle business, particularly its trucks, continues to generate strong revenues, giving it an advantage over electric-only automakers like Tesla, which has reportedly wavered in its desire to create an affordable electric car. Despite its struggles with EV profitability, the company feels confident that its lower-cost models won’t push it further into the red, as Farley expressed his belief that Ford would figure things out in the next few years.

CEO optimism is nothing new, as it’s often the only thing propping up companies’ stock prices. Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently announced a robotaxi program that will debut in August but also noted that the company would focus on accelerating more affordable model development. At the same time, it’s unclear how Ford plans to reach profitability with cheaper vehicles, as it’s slowed investments in new factories and other related areas.

[Image: Ford]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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4 of 59 comments
  • V8-1 V8-1 on Apr 26, 2024

    Go hybrid and wait for Toyota to finish its hydrogen engine and generator/separator.

    • See 1 previous
    • Jalop1991 Jalop1991 on Apr 28, 2024

      Jesus, Vo5. You must be a hoot at parties.

  • Scott Scott on May 22, 2024

    So they are losing hundreds of millions of dollars and they are promising us a “Cheaper EV”? I wonder how that will look and feel? They killed the Fiesta because they claimed that they couldn’t make a profit on them and when I bought the first one in late 2010 they couldn’t deliver the accessories I wanted for it! Then I bought a 2016 Fiesta ST and again couldn’t get the accessories for it I wanted. They claimed that the components were going to be available, eventually. So they lost on that one as well! I don’t care about what they say anymore. I’ve moved on to another brand.

  • Varezhka Any plans yet for Stellantis to wind down some of their dozen plus brands? I mean, most of their European brands (except Fiat and Maserati) are not only 80~90% European sales but also becoming old GM level badge jobs of each other. Lots of almost identical cars fighting within the same small continent. Shouldn't they at least go the Opel/Vauxhall route of one country, one brand to avoid cannibalization? The American brands, at least, have already consolidated with Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep/RAM essentially operating like a single brand. An Auto Union of a sort.
  • Namesakeone I read somewhere that Mazda, before the Volkswagen diesel scandal and despite presumably tearing apart and examining several Golfs and Jettas, couldn't figure out how VW did it and decided then not to offer a diesel. Later, when Dieselgate surfaced, it was hinted that Mazda did discover what Volkswagen was doing and kept quiet about it. Maybe Mazda realizes that they don't have the resources of Toyota and cannot do it as well, so they will concentrate on what they do well. Maybe Mazda will decide that they can do well with the RWD midsized sedan with the inline six they were considering a few years ago
  • IH_Fever A little math: An average, not super high end EV (like a model 3) has 70 kwh of storage assuming perfect fully charged conditions. An average 2-3 person home uses roughly 30 kwh per day. So in theory you have a little over 2 days of juice. Real world, less than that. This could be great if your normal outage is short and you're already spending $50k on a car. I'll stick with my $500 generator and $200 in gas that just got me through a week of no power. A/c, fridge, tv, lights, we were living large. :)
  • EBFlex No. The major apprehension to buying EVs is already well known. The entire premise of the bird cage liner NYT is ridiculous.The better solution to power your house when the power goes out is a generator. Far more reliable as it uses the endless supply of cheap and clean-burning natural gas.
  • ToolGuy ToolGuy likes electricity.