Reuters: Tesla Has Ditched Its Affordable EV Efforts in Favor of Robotaxis

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

Affordable EVs seem to be a nut that no automaker can crack, as every promise of a “sub-$30,000” model or similar has fallen through in favor of higher prices. It now seems that Tesla is following suit, despite repeated promises that it would develop a mass-market EV at a reasonable price. Earlier today, Reuters reported that the automaker had ditched its efforts to develop the car and would look instead at developing autonomous taxis on the platform that would have underpinned it.

CEO Elon Musk has been beating the affordable EV drum for a while, telling investors in January that the car would enter production in Texas as soon as late 2025. The automaker doesn’t have a communications or PR department to respond to inquiries, but Musk posted on X, saying, “Reuters is lying (again).”

The car, which was projected to start in the mid-$20,000 range, would have helped Tesla compete against the increasingly fierce Chinese auto industry. Companies like BYD have built impressive electric vehicle catalogs in recent years, and the automaker has been in a back-and-forth battle with Tesla for the top spot in global markets.

Tesla’s stock, which is more important than the cars for some people, tumbled 3 percent on the Reuters report. The decision was apparently made public, at least internally, in late February, with a source telling Reuters that “Elon’s directive is to go all-in on robotaxi.” Some said they felt optimistic about the call, saying that Musk believes that autonomous people movers are the “future of mobility.”

This course change is surprising and will undoubtedly cause quite a stir, but the truth remains that many automakers are losing serious money on EVs. That makes it exceptionally difficult to be profitable overall and raises questions about affordability for the foreseeable future. Raw materials and manufacturing remain significant financial hurdles to cross, so we’ll just have to wait and see if Elon’s decision is prescient or foolish.

[Image: Tesla]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • Mcs Mcs on Apr 08, 2024

    The model 3 is using a brand new platform. I think the S may have been updated as well. The main problem with Tesla is that Musk is an arrogant idiot. That leads to all sorts of issues. Everything from lack of focus to alienating much of his customer base via twitter.

    As far as technology goes, Tesla (and everyone else) needs to get to 800-900 volt architecture ASAP on all it's vehicles. Not just Cybertruck and Semi. That's where the industry is going. Soon they'll be competing with vehicles like the NIO ET9 that can charge at a rate of 150 miles in 5 minutes. There are other benefits as well to 800-900v architecture.

    So, get rid of Musk, 900v architecture across the line, put the psuedo-FSD on the back burner, build a $25k car, and a Model Y based pickup. Above all, tell Elmo to go play with his other toys and to leave Tesla alone.

    • See 2 previous
    • EBFlex EBFlex on Apr 09, 2024

      "EB, you are correct to a degree Musk is having a negative influence on Tesla. X is a problem for him and his right wing agenda."

      You can't read. That's not what I said. And he doesn't have a "right-wing agenda".

      Why do you lie so much?

  • Dartman Dartman on Apr 08, 2024

    Musk is not the only problem, but certainly the biggest…

    CEOs job is not to generate “likes” and followers on social media and certainly is not to alienate a large percentage of your customers and potential customers. A CEOs job is to legally generate profits and shareholder value.

  • FreedMike I don't see why you can't have both EVs and conventionally powered cars.
  • Zerofoo We leased a new CX-5 for my daughter when she started driving. We put nothing down and bought gap insurance. The theory was if she totaled the car, it was nothing more than a rental. If she kept the car in good shape and the car was reliable, we would, at the end of the lease, have the opportunity to buy a low-mileage 3 year old used car.
  • Peter KODAK Moment
  • Eliyahu Toyota has looked at the state of the world and decided that hybrids are the best fit for currently achieving environmental and regulatory goals. Their hybrid production is now across many of their models. Honda is following suit. They will both likely also produce some electric vehicles. The best path forward is likely higher fuel taxes, with some tax credit offsets for the lower tax brackets. This would encourage a move toward more fuel efficient vehicles. The US big 3 auto makers are the ones with the most to lose here-they are the late adapters-coasting on trucks.
  • 28-Cars-Later Used Teslas are getting very cheap, but buying one can be risky - Ars Technica Teslas are very connected cars, and many of their convenience features are accessed via smartphone apps. But that requires that Tesla's database shows you as the car's owner, and there are plenty of reports online that transferring ownership from Hertz can take time.Unfortunately, this also leaves the car stuck in Chill driving mode (which restricts power, acceleration, and top speed) and places some car settings outside of the new owner's level of access. You also won't be able to use Tesla Superchargers while the car still shows up as belonging to Hertz. Based on forum reports, contacting Tesla directly is the way to resolve this, but it can take several days to process; longer if there's a paperwork mismatch.Once you've transferred ownership to Tesla's satisfaction, it's time to do a software reset on the car to remove the fleet version.So apparently the state maintains title but so does Tesla in a way, and they cripple some features until they feel satisfied in unlocking them to you. How long till they brick it by satellite because, reasons? But yes, rah! rah! BEV! - its not a tool of tyranny at all, honest. Edit: Comment from the Ars forum: Happy MediumArs Tribunus Militum 19y When I got to the section that stated that THE CAR WILL BE FUNCTIONALLY CRIPPLED unless you get Tesla's acceptance of you buying the car, I got incredibly infuriated. How in the hell is this going to work going forwards? Is Tesla literally going to be approving every single resale of its cars from now until the car is totaled? Jeezus, connected is one thing, but having final ownership authority in the hands of the manufacturer and not the seller/purchaser seems horrible. 28's thoughts to Happy Medium.