Hands Free, Eyes On: General Motors University Is In Session

Chris Tonn
by Chris Tonn

Today, General Motors unveiled the beginnings of a new consumer education campaign surrounding advanced driving systems. Titled “Hands Free, Eyes On,” the movement is an effort to ensure consumers and drivers know exactly what their vehicles are and will someday be capable of.

The eventual goal is, of course, zero crashes, so along with implementing advanced driving technologies such as hands-free driving, GM is educating the public about what all of the various active-safety features, from lane-keeping assistance to adaptive cruise control all the way to hands-off driving. The campaign will live on GM.com, as well as a number of social media channels, and will evolve over time as technologies find their way into dealerships.

Of course, GM has been a leader in hands-free driving since the release of Super Cruise in 2017, with over 76,000 Super Cruise-enabled vehicles in the hands (or, really, out of the hands) of consumers since that time. Over 400,000 miles of roads have been opened up to hands-free driving via Super Cruise, up from 250,000 miles a year ago. GM has a goal, according to Andrew Farah, executive director for ADAS for GM, of 95 percent of all driving being hands-off capable, though he notes that among other challenges, roundabouts are particularly tricky for the ‘bots to manage. Call it morning driving through the sound and in and out the valley, but while divided highways have been relatively easy to map, ensuring safe deployment of these autonomous driving features requires plenty of testing, computing technologies, and sensor abilities.

The Hands Free, Eyes On campaign is currently focused on the Super Cruise system available today, where GM reiterates four keys to using the Level Two system:

  • Stay alert
  • Always be ready to take control
  • Focus on the road
  • Enjoy the ride

The driver awareness monitoring sensors, especially, are critical as keeping the driver in the loop at all times will remain a big part of both Super Cruise and the coming Ultra Cruise, which promises a more door-to-door driving experience, including parking and driving on urban roadways. Ultra Cruise will remain what the industry deems a Level Two of vehicle autonomy since the driver is still in control, but over two million miles of roadway between the U.S. and Canada are targeted for Ultra Cruise compatibility when it debuts on the Cadillac CELESTIQ, coming as soon as 2024. 

Level Two systems ensure the driver is still in charge, though Farah reminds us that “some other people aren’t as clear on this point,” a barb likely targeted toward Elon Musk and Tesla. While GM’s spokespeople don’t know of any consumer safety incidents regarding Super Cruise, Farah reminds us that “nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently-talented fool.”

Thus nothing currently at retail is truly autonomous, and likely will not be for some time. That's the primary reason for the education campaign - to remind owners to be vigilant behind the wheel, no matter what advanced driving features the car has.

[Images: GM]

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Chris Tonn
Chris Tonn

Some enthusiasts say they were born with gasoline in their veins. Chris Tonn, on the other hand, had rust flakes in his eyes nearly since birth. Living in salty Ohio and being hopelessly addicted to vintage British and Japanese steel will do that to you. His work has appeared in eBay Motors, Hagerty, The Truth About Cars, Reader's Digest, AutoGuide, Family Handyman, and Jalopnik. He is a member of the Midwest Automotive Media Association, and he's currently looking for the safety glasses he just set down somewhere.

More by Chris Tonn

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  • Lorenzo Lorenzo on Jul 28, 2023

    GM is now officially part of the conspiracy to take the fun out of driving, anywhere, at any time. When they eliminated separate divisions, they abandoned the driver's car concept, and have put out nothing but badge-engineered dreck ever since.

  • Zerofoo Zerofoo on Jul 31, 2023

    GM - designed by committee for people that care nothing about cars.

    • See 1 previous
    • SPPPP SPPPP on Jul 31, 2023

      But the recent Cadillac sedans actually drive well. The rest of the lineup, and all of the future lineup, well, I can't speak for those.

  • 28-Cars-Later Used Teslas are getting very cheap, but buying one can be risky - Ars Technica Teslas are very connected cars, and many of their convenience features are accessed via smartphone apps. But that requires that Tesla's database shows you as the car's owner, and there are plenty of reports online that transferring ownership from Hertz can take time.Unfortunately, this also leaves the car stuck in Chill driving mode (which restricts power, acceleration, and top speed) and places some car settings outside of the new owner's level of access. You also won't be able to use Tesla Superchargers while the car still shows up as belonging to Hertz. Based on forum reports, contacting Tesla directly is the way to resolve this, but it can take several days to process; longer if there's a paperwork mismatch.Once you've transferred ownership to Tesla's satisfaction, it's time to do a software reset on the car to remove the fleet version.So apparently the state maintains title but so does Tesla in a way, and they cripple some features until they feel satisfied in unlocking them to you. How long till they brick it by satellite because, reasons? But yes, rah! rah! BEV! - its not a tool of tyranny at all, honest.
  • Tane94 Subie has a cult-like devotion to its products, so it can do no wrong by being a late adopter in offering EVs. Mazda has rebranded itself from zoom zoom to affordable near luxury, with success. Toyota is most vulnerable to losing sales from not having EVs. The hybrid early adopters who made Prius their high-visibility flag bearer now have to look to another brand for a distinctive EV to righteously show themselves off.
  • Jrhurren The EV haters would keep complaining until prices hit $0, at which point they would proceed to complain some more.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X Remember the Mitsubishi Pajero? 😆
  • Macca Judging by the atrocious reliability record and general lemony snicket nature of the ICE Wagoneer and GC, this makes about as much sense as the electrically-challenged Brit marques going EV. Upper trim interiors on the GW & GC are a case of 'nice at 10 paces' (or glammed up press photos). In person there are low-rent plastics throughout at critical touch points (center tunnel, seat & mirror controls on the door panel, for instance) where there is unnerving flex akin to a toy. Adding more screens when the main Uconnect screen is already flaky doesn't bode well.