Which Nation Tops the List for Vehicle Ownership Per Capita? The Answer Might Surprise You

TTAC Staff
by TTAC Staff
Photo credit: Richard Semik / Shutterstock.com

In 2020, the United States reported a total of 289 million vehicles in operation, making up approximately 18 percent of the global count. This marked a significant increase, more than doubling the number since the 1960s. When exploring car ownership rates on a global scale, it's crucial to understand the variances in ownership, growth trends, and the rising influence of the global middle class on these dynamics.

Worldwide Rankings in Vehicle Ownership

The United States follows with a considerable 860 vehicles per 1,000 people, reflecting a robust vehicle market. Similarly for North America, Canada follows the States with 707 vehicles per 1,000 people. Europe presents a mixed scenario, with Poland and Italy notable for their high vehicle per capita rates. Poland, with 761 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants, shows substantial vehicle ownership yet has a minimal adoption of electric vehicles. Italy stands with 756 vehicles per 1,000 people just slightly less than Poland. In stark contrast, Norway, with 635 vehicles per 1,000 people, has embraced electric vehicles more extensively, with a significant proportion of its vehicle market being electric.

In the top spot however is New Zealand with 869 vehicle per 1,000 people where the majority of their cars are imported from Japan.

The Surge in Global Vehicle Ownership

The expansion of the global middle class has propelled rapid growth in vehicle ownership in several countries. Vietnam, for instance, has experienced a dramatic increase in motorization, with an annual growth rate of 17 percent between 2015 and 2020. China and India also saw significant rises, highlighting a global trend towards increased vehicle ownership.

Electric Vehicles: The Future of Mobility

Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining traction worldwide, with China leading the charge. The country houses more than half of the global EV fleet, a testament to its strategic position near essential raw materials for EV batteries and its robust battery production capabilities. Government policies have played a pivotal role in this sector, with China and Norway implementing strategies to overcome operational challenges and promote EV adoption. Norway, in particular, is on a path to eliminate sales of internal combustion engine vehicles by 2025, showcasing the country's commitment to sustainable mobility.

Concluding Thoughts

As vehicle ownership continues to evolve, the global landscape reveals a complex interplay between traditional vehicles and the emerging EV market. Countries like New Zealand and the U.S. demonstrate high vehicle per capita rates, while nations such as Vietnam and China show rapid growth, driven by economic expansion and policy initiatives. The shift towards electric vehicles, led by China and Norway, underscores a global trend towards more sustainable forms of transportation.

This article was co-written using AI and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

TTAC Staff
TTAC Staff

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  • Golden2husky This was a common topic at work - kids learned how to drive, and now another car is needed. I was amazed at all the excuses made about how their kid must have a new car. Used cars are a "risk" for breakdown, they are not as safe, etc...which is all BS of course. How much difference in safety is there between a new car and the same model that is five years old? Maintained cars don't break down very often. I've driven cars for far, far longer than most and have been towed exactly twice in my entire driving career (about 800,000 miles). While I wouldn't put my daughter into a 15 year old car and let her drive across the country, I would be fine with a 5 year old car that was well cared for. Let's be realistic - new drivers are likely to get into a fender bender - why do that to a new car. I was thrilled to get an 8 year old car for college back in the day even though my folks could afford to buy all of us new cars if they wanted to. If you Want to buy your kid new, go ahead. Just don't freak out when they come home with a fresh dent.
  • CanadaCraig Can you eventually go to prison for driving without a licence in the US?
  • CanadaCraig To hell with the UAW.
  • CanadaCraig First I'll answer the question. YES. Toyota, Mazda and Subaru are doing the right thing. That said... If only those pushing for an all EV world would care as much about the 1 BILLION earthlings that make less than $1 a day.
  • Redapple2 All this BEV investment. A bigger impact (less oil consumption) would have been made if we had made PIG UP trucks smaller since 2000 and not HUGEr. (And raised gas tax by $2-3/gallon.)