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Report: Mitsubishi to use Toshiba Li-ion battery in Minicab MiEV

The Nikkei reports that Mitsubishi Motors Corp. (MMC) will use Toshiba Corp.’s lithium-ion batteries for the MMC Minicab MiEV. In July 2010, Toshiba announced that it was working with Mitsubishi Motors to bring its SCiB battery (earlier post) to electric vehicles (EVs). (Earlier post.)

The Minicab MiEV. Click to enlarge.

The SCiB is Toshiba’s rechargeable lithium-ion battery that combines high levels of safety with a long life and rapid recharging.

Loaded with the new battery, which the carmaker chose for its long life and reasonable price, the Minicab MiEV will be capable of traveling up to 100 kilometers on a full charge.

...Mitsubishi worked with GS Yuasa Corp. to produce lithium-ion batteries for its i-MiEV electric passenger vehicle. The automaker is trying to reduce battery costs—which account for more than half the price of the car—by using different battery suppliers for different car models.



The EV SCib charge time?


All else the same, would you want a 100 mile range, 4 hr. charge.
a 50 mile, 30 minute charge battery?


100 kilometres range is pretty low.
Love Toshiba's battery though.


Niore advanced batteries are required for better e-range. We may have to wait till 2020+ for EVs with 300+ Km e-range at a decent price but it will come.

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