Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, or EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), is a crucial aspect of the transition to electric transportation. However, the cost of installing electric vehicle supply equipment can be a barrier for individuals, businesses, and communities looking to switch to electric vehicles. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the costs of electric vehicle supply equipment installation through careful planning and coordination.


One key way to reduce Projects install costs is to plan ahead and make the installation a part of a larger infrastructure project. For example, if a business is planning to repave its parking lot, it may be more cost-effective to install EV charger at the same time rather than as a separate project. Similarly, if a community is planning to upgrade its streetlights, it may be more cost-effective to install EV charger along with the new lighting. By incorporating EVSE installation into larger projects, the cost can be spread out over a larger budget and may be eligible for additional funding or incentives.

Another way to reduce Projects install costs is to consider the location of the charging stations. Installing EV chargers in areas with existing electrical infrastructure, such as near a building or along a street, may be less expensive than installing in a remote location. Additionally, installing EV chargers in locations with high foot traffic or a large number of electric vehicle owners may result in a higher return on investment.

Group purchasing can also be an effective way to reduce install costs. By working with other businesses, organizations, or communities to pool resources and negotiate bulk discounts, the cost of EVSE installation can be significantly reduced. In addition, group purchasing can make it easier to secure financing and apply for grants or other funding opportunities.

Effective communication and coordination with utilities can also help reduce install costs. Utilities may be able to offer discounts or other incentives for EV charging station installation, as well as provide technical assistance and guidance on the best location and type of charging equipment. By working closely with utilities, it may be possible to take advantage of these resources and lower the overall cost of EVSE installation.

In summary, there are several ways to reduce the costs of EVSE installation, including planning ahead, considering the location of the charging stations, group purchasing, and coordinating with utilities. By taking a strategic approach and carefully considering all of these factors, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of installing EVSE and make the transition to electric transportation more accessible and sustainable. If you are a business interested in learning more about EV chargers, become a SETEC POWER partner and learn more.