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Global Bioenergies joins aireg to push jet fuel application of its isobutene process; isododecane

France-based Global Bioenergies, a company developing a processes to convert renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation, has joined aireg (Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V.) aireg, an organization promoting the development and use of renewable liquid fuels in aviation, aims to replace 10% of German jet fuel demand with sustainable, alternative aviation fuels by 2025.

Global Bioenergies, which is currently developing its demonstration plant in Leuna, Germany, will soon be able to produce alternative jet fuel from sugars. Earlier this year, the company reported the successful conversion of renewable resources first into gaseous isobutene via fermentation, which was then subsequently catalytically oligomerized into a mix of fuel-range liquid hydrocarbons. (Earlier post.) The resulting product slate contained isooctane; isododecane (C12H26, a highly branched alkane well-suited for the aviation market); isocetane; as well as longer strings.

Through their cooperation both organizations plan to expedite the market uptake of renewable, low-carbon fuels in the aviation sector.

We are very excited about Global Bioenergies’ membership in our initiative. Thanks to the leadership of Global Bioenergies, we will witness the production of renewable jet fuel for the first time in Germany. The proprietary technology allows the conversion of sugars into jet fuel, including sugars derived from waste wood and straw. Only through the vision and dedication of companies like Global Bioenergies, will we be able to achieve our goal to provide 10% of the German jet fuel demand based on climate-friendly alternatives by 2025.

—Siegfried Knecht, Chairman of aireg

Isododecane is among the very few viable options for bio-jet fuel. It is obtained through the trimerization of isobutene, a well-known industrial process. We are planning on producing soon our first bio-jet fuel batches using bio-isobutene produced at our industrial pilot facility and are looking forward to working together with aireg and its other members on different topics such as the route towards certification.

—Thomas Buhl, Head of Business Development at Global Bioenergie

Global Bioenergies initially focused its efforts on the production of isobutene, one of the most important petrochemical building blocks that can be converted into fuels, plastics, organic glass and elastomers.

Global Bioenergies continues to improve the performances of its process, operates its industrial pilot, has begun the construction of its demo plant in Germany, and prepares the first full-scale plant through a Joint-Venture with Cristal Union, named IBN-One. The company also replicated its achievement to propylene and butadiene, two members of the gaseous olefins family, key molecules at the heart of petrochemical industry.


  • Dianne J. Luning Prak, M. Hope Jones, Paul Trulove, Andrew M. McDaniel, Terrence Dickerson, and Jim S. Cowart (2015) “Physical and Chemical Analysis of Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) Fuel and Development of Surrogate Fuel Mixtures” Energy & Fuels 29 (6), 3760-3769 doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b00668

  • Mathes, A., Ries, J., Caton, P., Cowart, J. et al. (2010) “Binary Mixtures of Branched and Aromatic Pure Component Fuels as Surrogates for Future Diesel Fuels,” SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 3(2):794-809 doi: 10.4271/2010-01-2188


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