Bosch Investing €400M Annually on Powertrain Electrification; Anticipates EVs and PHEVs to Gain 3% Global Market Share by 2020
Canada Awards C$40M to 18 Clean Technology Projects, Including Li-ion Batteries and Renewable Hydrocarbon Fuels

Coulomb Technologies Awarded $3.4M from CA Energy Commission to Install Electric Vehicles Infrastructure

Coulomb Technologies has been awarded $3,417,000 from the California Energy Commission through matching funds; this will bring a $12 million project into California, including $5 million of federal funding. The grant will provide funds for the installation of ChargePoint Networked Charging Stations for electric vehicles in three California metro regions: Los Angeles, Sacramento and the San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area.

The Energy Commission award is a part of Coulomb’s recently announced $37 million ChargePoint America program to provide nearly 5000 public and home charging stations in nine regions in the United States.

The first California installation of the ChargePoint America program will be at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) headquarters in Palo Alto, California. The EPRI stations will be used to collect research data on the requirements of workplace charging.

The $37 million ChargePoint America program is made possible by a $15 million grant funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the Transportation Electrification Initiative administered by the Department of Energy.

ChargePoint Networked Charging Stations are available now for installation in all nine designated regional metropolitan areas of the US. More than 1,000 new public charging stations will be installed by December 2010, adding to the existing ChargePoint Network. The remaining stations will be installed by October 2011. Coulomb says that it currently has the largest established base of networked charging stations worldwide with more than 700 units shipped to more than 130 customers in 2009.


Aaron Turpen

Where is all this cash these CA government divisions are throwing around come from? I thought the state had a huge budget deficit and was begging Obama for a bailout?!

It seems to me that the billions they're in the hole could be retrieved and paid if they'd take all this money they're "granting" and "loaning" and use it pay off their own debt.

Put the stupid, costly green programs on hold for a year and pay your debt, morons!

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