Autocar and Rocsys partner to bring hands-free charging to electric truck fleets – Charged EVs


US severe-duty truck maker Autocar is collaborating with automated EV charging company Rocsys, headquartered in the Netherlands, to provide hands-free charging capabilities to Autocar’s electric terminal tractors at logistics facilities, including distribution centers and inland ports.

Rocsys says its hands-free charging system will undergo final development through a pilot order secured from an Autocar customer. It uses soft robotics, computer vision technology and AI to streamline the charging process while also minimizing wear and tear on charging cables and connectors. The system is compatible with any high-power DC charging station using a CCS-1 charging connector. The pilot will capture and use hundreds of images to work toward a 99% plug-in success rate.

“Hands-free charging is a pivotal advancement in the electrification of commercial vehicle fleets,” said Autocar Chairman Andrew Taitz. “By eliminating the need for manual intervention, hands-free charging ensures uninterrupted and efficient charging operations round the clock, enhancing fleet productivity and sustainability.”

Source: Autocar

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