Greenius Flashback: Talking EVs and CO2 One Year Ago On Larry Mantle’s “Airtalk”

P1050316Just about one year ago on July 2, 2008 I was on Larry Mantle’s “Airtalk” (KPCC-FM 89.3 Pasadena) talking about getting my electric car and my solar panels.  I’m a member supporter of KPCC, my favorite NPR station, and I think Mantle does one of the most intelligent shows on the radio.  I wasn’t on as an official guest, I called into the show to drop some Greenius on L.A. radio listeners.

One year later, I’m still learning how to do my own solar installation after having taking classes and working with GRID Alternatives to install solar as a volunteer on low income and Habitat for Humanity homes.  And we’ve now cut our electric usage in half through efficiency measures so the size of the solar I need is half as much.

And I’ve learned and written an awful lot about electric cars & the whole new emerging EV industry.

But listening back to this clip I realize how little talk of these subjects you hear anywhere on the TV or radio airwaves today.  While the Confederacy of Dunces rules the media spotlight, the climate crisis has only worsened since the days of $4.60 a gallon gasoline.  One year ago I said we only had about 12 months to turn things around:

Here’s the audio clip of what I had to say on July 2, 2008:

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