Greenius on – Helping AOL Get HyperLocal

It’s been weeks since I’ve opined on this page and one of  the reasons why is the time it’s taken launching two new columns for AOL’s  I’m writing a weekly column on environmental issues for Hermosa Beach Patch and a weekly column on bicycling and the South Bay Bicycle Coalition news for Redondo Beach Patch.

AOL is backing with an initial $50 million and hiring journalists to provide hyperlocal coverage in communities of 15,000-100,000 on both coasts.  And I’m helping to provide that coverage in Redondo and Hermosa including shooting photos and video.

I’ve only been doing it for or a month or so, but so far I’m digging the experience and happy to broaden my local readership and Creative Greenius reach.

There was an interesting piece by James Rainey in today’s LAT focusing specifically on Manhattan Beach Patch but I don’t think Rainy has any particular insight or perspective on the issue.

Unlike yours truly who has nothing BUT particular insight and perspective on not only this issue but so many more.  And that’s exactly what a brain dead populace is looking for these days and exactly why I’m stretching my already overburdened schedule to  bring my fellow South Bay citizens Patch pieces like these I’ve already had published:

How Green is My Bottle?

Cruising the Sharrows By the Seashore

Beachside Living Ideal for Solar Energy

Plug-In, Wax Up, Hang Ten

Fiesta Hermosa, Greener Than You Think

This is How We Roll In Redondo

Todd Dipaola Receives the Environmental Hero Award

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