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Berkeley researchers propose salted biomass as scalable, economical and stable carbon capture and storage solution

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, are proposing burying salted biomass in a dry environment within an engineered biolandfill as a solution to sequester carbon that has been photosynthetically fixed by cultivated plants. An open-access paper on their work is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

This unique approach, which researchers call agro-sequestration, keeps the buried biomass dry with the aid of salt to suppress microbial activity and stave off decomposition, enabling stable sequestration of all the biomass carbon.


A simplified version of the bio-landfill technology. It is essential to keep the biomass dry. A key role is played by dual layers of high density polyethylene adding up to 4 mm thickness, as a water diffusion barrier. In 1 y, <1.75 μm equivalent water thickness diffuses through. This rate of water diffusion can be accommodated for thousands of years by the dry salt-biomass mixture which can absorb the water without increasing its own relative humidity (Water Activity) above 60%. Water Activity remaining below 60% suppresses all life, and all bio-degradation. Yablonovitch and Deckman, PNAS.

The result is carbon-negative, making this approach a potential game changer, according to Eli Yablonovitch, lead author and Professor in the Graduate School in UC Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.

We’re claiming that proper engineering can solve 100% of the climate crisis, at manageable cost. If implemented on a global scale, this carbon-negative sequestration method has the potential to remove current annual carbon dioxide emissions as well as prior years’ emissions from the atmosphere.

—Eli Yablonovitch

Unlike prior efforts toward carbon neutrality, agro-sequestration seeks not net carbon neutrality, but net carbon negativity. According to the paper, for every metric ton (tonne) of dry biomass, it would be possible to sequester approximately 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The idea of burying biomass in order to sequester carbon has been gaining popularity, with startup organizations burying everything from plants to wood. But ensuring the stability of the buried biomass is a challenge. While these storage environments are devoid of oxygen, anaerobic microorganisms can still survive and cause the biomass to decompose into carbon dioxide and methane, rendering these sequestration approaches carbon-neutral, at best.

But there is one thing that all life forms require: moisture. This is measured by “water activity,” a quantity similar to relative humidity. If internal water activity falls below 60%, all life comes to a halt—a concept underpinning the UC Berkeley researchers’ new agro-sequestration solution.

There are significant questions concerning long-term sequestration for many of these recently popularized nature- and agriculturally-based technologies. The agro-sequestration approach we’re proposing can stably sequester the carbon in dried salted biomass for thousands of years, with less cost and higher carbon efficiency than these other air capture technologies.

—Harry Deckman, co-author and a researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

In addition to offering long-term stability, Yablonovitch and Deckman’s agro-sequestration approach is extremely cost effective. Together, the agriculture and biolandfill costs total US$60 per tonne of captured and sequestered carbon dioxide. (By comparison, some direct air capture and carbon dioxide gas sequestration strategies cost US$600 per tonne.)

The researchers have compiled a list of more than 50 high-productivity plants capable of being grown in diverse climates worldwide and with dry biomass yields in a range from 4 to more than 45 dry tonnes per hectare. All have been selected for their carbon-capturing abilities.

This solution also can scale without encroaching upon or competing with farmland used to grow food. Many of these biomass crops can be grown on marginal pasture and forest lands, or even on farmland that has remained fallow.

Farmers harvesting these biomass crops would dry the plants, then entomb them in a dry engineered biolandfill located within the agricultural regions, tens of meters underground and safe from human activity and natural disasters.

The researchers based their design of these dry tomb structures on current municipal landfill best practices, but added enhancements to ensure dryness, such as two 2-millimeter-thick nested layers of polyethylene encasing the biomass, a practice already used in modern landfills.

The landfill area would cover only a tiny portion—0.0001%—of the agricultural area. In other words, 10,000 hectares of biomass production could be buried in a 1-hectare biolandfill. In addition, the top surface of the landfill could be restored to agricultural production afterward.

The timeline for adoption of this carbon capture and sequestration method could be short, according to Deckman.

Yablonovitch and Deckman estimate that it would take about one year to convert existing farmland to biomass agriculture, but longer for virgin land that lacks the infrastructure needed to support agriculture. The biomass crops would be ready for harvest and sequestration within a growing season.

Using this approach, the researchers calculated that sequestering approximately half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions—about 20 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide per year—would require agricultural production from an area equal to one-fifth of the world’s row cropland or one-fifteenth of the land area for all croplands, pastures and forests. According to their report, this amount of land is the same or less than the total area that many of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s models for greenhouse gas reduction are considering for biomass production.


  • Eli Yablonovitch and Harry W. Deckman (2023) “Scalable, economical, and stable sequestration of agricultural fixed carbon” PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.2217695120



I think this one is enormous, as it is so economic and rapidly scaleable.

Other than testing to ensure the integrity of the membranes, zero research is needed, with all the technology to hand.

Of course, as usual in their efforts to sell their services to the highest bidder, the politicians will complicate implementation instead of applying capitalist principles.

The fastest, cheapest way of restoring a sensible carbon balance would be a tax on carbon based on this storage technology of $60/ton CO2.

That would rapidly shift the balance for production, meaning that the needed storage would be greatly reduced.

World GDP is around $85 trn:

I've no idea what the $223trn mentioned in the headline is, presumably some obscure calculation based on purchasing power parity, but $85 trn is ballpark correct.

So nominally around $1.2trn pa is needed to absorb half the CO2, or around 1.4% of GDP

But by great good fortune the cost of low carbon technologies is low, and falling, so the right cost mechanisms would simply result in very low carbon tech being implemented even faster, so much of the expenditure on CO2 storage would not be needed, and the cost basis of energy in the economy is likely to reduce by around the $1.2trn mentioned, or maybe even better.

So with sensible policies, and ready to hand tech, it should be possible to essentially move to zero carbon at little or no net cost.

We await how the politicians will screw it up, by fiddling it for the benefit of their paymasters!


I await your comments on this tech with considerable interest, as you are the guy with the expertise!


@dave, this certainly looks like a good idea, if it works and if it scales.
It would certainly be much easier if we could just sequester carbon in this way, than building Hydrogen powered aircraft (for example).
Also, it is fairly easy to replace the first 50% of CO2 in say electricity generation, then progressively harder for each 10%, assuming you are using an intermittent renewable, so we could use sequestration for the last 10-30%.
One thing that, IMO, won't work is expecting people to curtail fossil fuel usage due to carbon taxes. We have had the cost of electricity triple in the last 18 months here in Ireland and usage has hardly fallen.
Ditto as the price of petrol and diesel increased (although it is coming down now).
Also, how do you dry the biomass - just leave it around on racks ?
Also, beware evolution - if you start putting loads of salty biomass in landfills, something will evolve to eat it, probably generating loads of CO2 in the process.
But, yes, it looks like a good idea.
I wonder how it compares to biofuels ? My guess is that it will be more efficient.


Hi Jim

I am not too keen on any association with this 'relatively' cheap method of soaking up carbon emissions and any notion that we can go easy on reducing them.

There is a massive backlog, with their figure of around half of emission being needed to be soaked up just for stability in the right ballpark. without actual reductions in the excess heat retention.

Currently air travel is untaxed for fuel, by a 'cunning plan' which by an unfortunate coincidence benefits the wealthy, in regressive taxation.

So if you catch a coach or train, London to Paris, that is taxed, but not if you fly,.

That is wonderful news for the likes of Sunak and Musk, who can travel to conferences on reducing carbonn emissions by private jet without fuel tax, at a carbon cost of 50 times or so other means of transport.

And air transport is the very fast growing.

So I hope that reasonably economic carbon sequestration is not taken as an alternative to not emitting it.


Q: Which is better, agro-sequestration and fossil fuels or direct biofuels ?
BTW, I fully support global taxation of aviation fuels to the same level as national (or some average of national) road fuels.
If Rishi wants to use a private jet to hop around the UK and Europe, he could at least use a small one like a PC12 or 24 (and pay tax on the fuel).

If you read the paper, you can see that they have given it quite a bit of thought and can see several problems, but it is certainly worth looking into further.


Hi Jim.

' Which is better, agro-sequestration and fossil fuels or direct biofuels ?'

I don't see the dichotomy you suggest.

To keep the increase in temperature down, we have to go carbon negative, and this appears able to do that at far lower cost than other methods to date.

As you rightly say, they fairly and extensively document the uncertainties and next steps needed to fully prove and roll this out.

But having looked at other methods, such as direct air capture, the remaining uncertainties can surely fairly be described as relatively trivial and within normal and near term testing.

I can't imagine for instance that it will be impossibly difficult to develop protocols to effectively seal the membane on site, although the author's rightly and conservatively list this as something to prove on the 'to do' list.

As they also say:

' For Agro-Sequestration, an “experience curve” (39) is expected as there is for every technology (SI Appendix, section 9). As such, the land and cost requirements for Agro-Sequestration for world-wide CO2 capture are likely to diminish from the scenario that has been presented here. Nonetheless, the Agro-Sequestration estimates in this paper are based on current costs and current agricultural practices.'

So the $60/ton given is a top line estimate.

I not only like the technology, but am impressed by their very conservative and modest presentation of it, which engenders confidence IMO



Perhaps I should make clear that IMO biomass for fuel is not something which will need to be done extensively, as it is rather demanding on resources such as water and land, and other options look like being really cheap.



If you want to use biomass for fuels, there are some relatively sophisticated steps needed, and lignin etc is tough to deal with.

For dry salted biomass storage, more or less anything should do, without all the complications.

Here is ethanol production in the US, which all seems far more problematic especially from a resource POV

A bit of an old link, but AFAIK still relevant


@dave, so we might be better with Agro-Sequestration and fossil fuels (and hybridization etc. etc.), than biofuels (which are really more about rural votes than reducing co2).


I'm not writing off biofuels, but there are perhaps considerably more speculative steps than anything in this dry salt sequestration method, at least for really significant volume at good cost without impacting food production etc.

Some of the stuff with algae at sea, which perhaps can simply be sunk to anaerobic depths, is also perhaps interesting

It is the simplicity of this initiative which attracts me though, although of course it is not totally a done deal.


cause the biomass to decompose into carbon dioxide and methane
Make carbon dioxide neutral fuels


My conclusions:
1. Carbon Tax high enough to drive this tech adoption exponentially
2. Build electric rail transportation infrastructure as needed to minimize salt or biomass transportation emissions
3. Build zero emissions power to power the rail transportation
4. Continue carbon emissions reductions as fast as possible to get to negative emissions as soon as possible.
5. Use the carbon tax dividend as needed to pay for all the damage mitigation because we are at least 30 years behind schedule thanks to Reagan...


Hi GdB

I am not sure where rail would come into this, as the agricultural biomass is to be buried close to where it is grown to minimise transport costs, and:

' Owing to the 30 m biolandfill thickness, the landfill area is ~10−4 of the agricultural area. Moreover, the top surface of the landfill can be restored to agricultural production.' (page 3)

Also on page 3:

' The lowest Water Activity that can be achieved with NaCl is 0.75, whereas with the two low-cost salts used for street de-icing (MgCl2 and CaCl2), Water Activity can be reduced below 0.6. Alternately, the salt can compensate for excessively moist biomass. A high treatment fraction of 2 wt.% CaCl2 costing less than US$3/tonne of biomass can easily obtain a Water Activity of less than 0.6. Significantly less CaCl2 is needed with drier biomass (Fig. 2). Incorporating high fractions (such as 2 wt.%) of CaCl2 into bio-landfills would stretch world supplies, while options with drier biomass and less CaCl2 can be scaled up without significantly impacting world supply (SI Appendix, section 3).'

Obviously significant quantities of salt still needs to be moved around, but at maximum 2% of 20 billion tons, or 400 million tons.

To get some sort of handle on that number, the world produced of the order of 8 billion tons of coal pa, which of course needs lugging around one way or another.

So transporting the salt around is significant, but a fraction of current coal transport needs.

And more drying can be substituted for salt, so where it is inconvenient to transport the salt, presumably drying would be stepped up, so minimising strains on salt resources anyway,


There are lots of operational variables and they will just have to try it out at scale and see what works.
One worry I would have is that you would deplete the soil if you keep burying what you grow, and may need a lot of fertilizers to keep this going.
Also, it is not a very nice think to contemplate, growing and burying biomass so we can continue to use liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
On the other hand, it may be better than the alternatives.


Lots of algae off the coast of Florida and South America bury it make methane

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