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Toyota aims for sales of more than 5.5M electrified vehicles including 1M ZEVS per year by 2030; no models developed without electrified version

Toyota Motor Corporation announced its plans regarding the mass adoption of electrified vehicles for the decade 2020-2030. Toyota’s electrified vehicle strategy centers on a significant acceleration in the development and launch plans of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), and fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).

By around 2030, Toyota aims to have annual sales of more than 5.5 million electrified vehicles—including more than 1 million zero-emission vehicles (BEVs, FCEVs). Additionally, by around 2025, every model in the Toyota and Lexus line-up around the world will be available either as a dedicated electrified model or have an electrified option. This will be achieved by increasing the number of dedicated HEV, PHEV, BEV, and FCEV models and by generalizing the availability of HEV, PHEV and/or BEV options to all its models. The number of models developed without an electrified version will be zero.

Toyota will accelerate the popularization of BEVs with more than 10 BEV models to be available worldwide by the early 2020s, starting in China, before entering other markets with a gradual introduction to Japan, India, United States and Europe. The FCEV line-up will be expanded for both passenger and commercial vehicles in the 2020s.

The HEV line-up will also grow, with to the further development of the Toyota Hybrid System II (featured in the current-generation Prius and other models); the introduction of a more powerful version in some models; and the development of simpler hybrid systems in select models, as appropriate, to meet various customer needs. Toyota also aims to expand its PHEV line-up in the 2020s.

Batteries are a core technology of electrified vehicles and generally present limitations relating to energy density, weight/packaging, and cost. Toyota has been actively developing next-generation solid-state batteries and aims to commercialize the technology by the early 2020s. (Earlier post.)

In addition, Toyota and Panasonic will start a feasibility study on a joint automotive prismatic battery business in order to achieve the best automotive prismatic battery in the industry and to ultimately contribute to the popularization of Toyota's and other automakers' electrified vehicles. (Earlier post.)

Furthermore, Toyota aims to focus on the development of a social infrastructure conducive to the widespread adoption of electrified vehicles. This includes the creation of a system to help streamline battery reuse and recycling, as well as support of the promotion of plug-in vehicle charging stations and hydrogen refueling stations through active cooperation and collaboration with government authorities and partner companies.


by around 2025, every model in the Toyota and Lexus line-up around the world will be available either as a dedicated electrified model or have an electrified option.

I'm surprised that Toyota is behind Volvo in this respect.


Current relative high cost and low performance of early lithium EV batteries did not convince Toyota to move faster with mass production of electrified vehicles.

With cost approaching $100/KW and higher performance SS batteries around the corner, Toyota will catch up and surpass Volvo and many others (including TESLA) by 2020/2022, specially with their made in China e-models.


I think Toyota will be OK with their hybrid sales, no other manufacturer will be able to compete with them in the price department. Just give every hybrid a little bigger battery (4-8 kWh), a charger and a nice price tag and they will sell like hotcakes.

Who's behind who ... we will see in the coming years, don't take these outlooks for facts.


I think we're going to see surprises in the performance category next.  With the ultra-high power batteries and other storage (Envia at ~10 C charge/discharge rate, ultracaps at over 30 kW/kg) the electrified sporty car is a natural development from current technology.  If a mfgr can sell fun and make it ultra-clean (especially with small engines to reduce European displacement taxes!) at some cost point this becomes a license to print money.


Higher energy density is one way to reduce costs.

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