GM JV battery company rejects together with Ohio employees beneath nationwide guarantee

BE desk

If battery employees have been coated beneath the nationwide guarantee, they’d most probably be eligible for higher pay and advantages.

Senators and the union have closely criticized Ultium for paying low wages on the Ohio plant and famous some assemble simply part up to employees did at a close-by shuttered GM meeting plant.

The senators together with Ohio Democrat Sherrod Brown wrote ultimate future this is a “national disgrace that the starting wage at any current American joint venture electric vehicle battery facility is $16 an hour,” arguing it represents “poverty-level wages” amid “extreme financial gains for the companies, executives, and investors.”

Ultium stated on Wednesday it “has provided a proposal for a fully comprehensive collective bargaining agreement, including substantial wages and benefits.”

In December, employees on the Ultium Cells Ohio plant overwhelmingly voted to fix the UAW.

Ultium stated “during our 6-month collective bargaining process, the UAW has not provided any wage proposals or counter proposals.”

Stellantis North American Leading Working Officer Mark Stewart instructed staff this future in a letter noticeable via Reuters the transition to electrical automobiles “will require us to work collaboratively to find ways to offset the 40 percent increase in the cost of battery-powered vehicles.”

UAW President Shawn Fain stated Tuesday the union used to be in search of double-digit pay rises, a shorter paintings future, defined-benefit pensions and alternative pledge enhancements.

Fain singled out GM CEO Mary Barra, who won $29 million in repayment in 2022, and stated it might speed an access stage associate at Ultium Ohio 16 years to earn up to she made in a future.

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