The electric vehicle (EV) market has reached a significant milestone, with global plugin vehicle registrations soaring by 23% in September 2023 compared to the same month last year. This surge has resulted in an unprecedented 1,291,000 units sold, setting a new record in the industry. Notably, plugin vehicles now account for a substantial 17% of the total global automobile market, with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) alone claiming a 12% share.

World EV Sales Now Equal 17% Of World Auto Sales

This remarkable growth indicates that the automotive sector is now navigating through the “Electric Disruption Zone,” a critical phase in technology adoption characterized by the steepest ascent on the S-curve. During this phase, which typically ranges between 10–20% and 80–90% market penetration, the growth of market share is expected to accelerate before eventually plateauing as it approaches full market saturation.

As the industry continues to evolve, stakeholders across the value chain, from manufacturers to policymakers, are recognizing the importance of adapting to this shift. The increasing investment in research and development of EVs, along with incentives to encourage consumer uptake, are likely to further propel the market towards a more sustainable and electrified future.