A Lighthearted But Effective Automotive Commercial For Electric Audi

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Guest post by Jim Ringold

How many automobile commercials do you think you have ever seen and ignored on TV? Certainly thousands and thousands of car commercials. What got me thinking about all those forgettable commercials was the commercial that got me thinking. But before we get to this 2021 AUDI commercial, I’d like to reminisce about some of my favorites from the past in a similar vein to the AUDI Water Balloon Commercial.

Let’s disregard the millions (well, almost) of commercials done in the US desert southwest with the spotlessly clean cars creating great clouds of dust as they circle and zoom — well over-used in commercials. Then there are the hundreds of thousands of ads with the subject car being driven without any other traffic on city streets, in a big city preferably, in ways you will never be able to do legally! And they are always followed with the requisite “Driven on a closed circuit by professional drivers” advisory.

The AUDI Water Balloon Commercial showcases current car models and the extensive heritage of the company. This is a format that had its beginnings in a Mercedes-Benz commercial in its “Mercedes-Benz 125 Years Anniversary Commercials” of nine years ago. It is an impressive collection. It is not an emotional one, but Mercedes can do emotion, and I loved “Bertha Benz: The Journey That Changed Everything.” Now that is unbeatable heritage. Porsche did the “show the full line of cars” thing with the fun “The Heist” Super Bowl ad that was a great production but did not stir the emotions like Bertha Benz did. Great cars, though, and the star of the show was the new fully electric Porsche Taycan.

BMW was on an expensive-to-make roll when they did the short BMW films in the series “The Hire,” including “Star,” an impressive one starring Madonna as the passenger and Clive Owen as the driver of a BMW M Car of course. It was directed by Guy Ritchie, Madonna’s husband at the time. Only he could have talked Madonna into it. There are several great BMW films in this series, all on YouTube.

There are several others as well, but on to what inspired this and has an electric angle.

If you are still with me, the ad that motivated all this is the AUDI Water Balloon Commercial. Like the BMW stories of old, this commercial used known actors — Lanny Join, known for the endless series Lost, and Julia Lehman from the series Narcos: Mexico are the lead actors. Of course, four of AUDI’s all-time great race drivers are included, as well as YouTube influencers.

When I first discovered this AUDI commercial and shared it with my car friends, I got more than the normal happy responses. This is just a fun commercial! Stick around for the outtakes. This really was a huge undertaking for a commercial. Kudos to AUDI doing it.

There is no other neighborhood on earth where everyone owns one or more AUDIs, but it leaves no doubt that AUDI owners are fun people, which is where this commercial is a big time success. You too will enjoy in this in rather uptight COVID time.

Well, this is CleanTechnica, and the AUDI Water Balloon Commercial does show AUDI design exercises leading into the EV Era. While Tesla does not advertise, owners have felt the need to produce ads of their own to highlight the fun and convenience of owning a Tesla. Some are quite good and fit into the “feel good” category. Check out “Future of Cars Tesla Model S Commercials” and the Tesla Model 3 Commercial “Feel It.” These are new times and EVs will be seen in more and more commercials. Clear skies are coming, ready or not!

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