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Bauhaus Luftfahrt analysis finds solar thermochemical jet fuel production viable only if CO2 captured from renewable sources and not flue gases

A team from Bauhaus Luftfahrt in Germany has analyzed the climate impact and economic performance of solar thermochemical jet fuel production. According to their analysis, published in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology, favorable assumptions for all involved process steps (30% thermochemical energy conversion efficiency; 3000 kWh/(m2 a) solar irradiation, low CO2 and heliostat costs) result in jet fuel production costs of €1.28/L (US$5.30/gallon) at lifecycle (LC) GHG emissions close to zero (0.10 kgCO2‐equiv/L.

The non-profit Bauhaus Luftfahrt is an internationally-oriented think tank created in November 2005 by the three aerospace companies EADS (today Airbus Group); Liebherr-Aerospace; and MTU Aero Engines as well as the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs. In January 2012, IABG-Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft became the latest member of the institution.

Schematic of solar thermochemical fuel production path. Direct solar radiation is concentrated by a field of heliostats and drives the high-temperature thermochemical conversion of H2O and CO2 to H2 and CO (syngas). The syngas is stored and finally converted into jet fuel via the FT process. Click to enlarge.

The solar thermochemical fuel path is based on the high-temperature conversion of water and CO2 into syngas (hydrogen and carbon monoxide) and oxygen mediated by ceria redox reactions. To reach the reduction temperatures of 1500 °C and above that are usually required for redox reactions of metal oxides, solar energy is concentrated into the aperture of a thermochemical reactor. A solar tower or dish concentration system can deliver the required level of radiative flux.

Solar syngas is then converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels by the Fischer−Tropsch process. The produced synthetic paraffinic kerosene is certified for use in commercial aviation in mixtures with a share of up to 50% with conventional jet fuel according to ASTM D7566.

All of the process are fully developed and established in a commercial environment—with the exception of the solar thermochemical production of syngas. Several research groups are currently tackling this.

The plant in their baseline case produces 1,000 bpd of jet fuel with 865 bpd of naphtha as a co-product. The publicly supported solar stand-alone facility, i.e., without external sources of heat or electricity, is located in a region with 2500 kWh/(m2 a) of direct normal irradiation, where the concentration facility is a tower system. Thermochemical conversion efficiency is 20%. CO2 is supplied by an air capture unit located at the plant site and H2O by a seawater desalination unit 500 km away. Transportation of the fuel is assumed to be carried out over 500 km via pipeline.

Key drivers for the economic and ecological performance of the plant are the thermochemical energy conversion efficiency; the level of solar irradiation; operation and maintenance; and the initial investment in the fuel production plant.

For the baseline case of a solar tower concentrator with CO2 capture from air, jet fuel production costs of €2.23/L (US$11.83/gallon) and life cycle greenhouse gas (LC GHG) emissions of 0.49 kgCO2‐equiv/L are estimated.

Capturing CO2 from a natural gas combined cycle power plant instead of the air reduces the production costs by 15% but leads to LC GHG emissions higher than that of conventional jet fuel.

The use of CO2 and electricity from a NGCC power plant reduces the costs of jet fuel production as the unit cost for CO2 provision is lower compared to air capture; however, it considerably increases the life cycle GHG emissions due to the fossil origin of CO2 used for the fuel synthesis. Emissions of the production process and of fuel combustion can thus not be counterbalanced by negative emissions of CO2 as in the baseline case using CO2 capture from the atmosphere. The production of solar thermochemical fuels presents only a viable option over conventional fuels if the CO2 is captured from renewable sources such as the atmosphere and not from flue gases of a fossil power plant.

—Falter et al.

While the favorable assumptions analysis noted above yields the low price and almost zero LC GHG emissions, even lower production costs may be achieved if the commercial value of oxygen as a byproduct is considered.


  • Christoph Falter, Valentin Batteiger, and Andreas Sizmann (2015) “Climate Impact and Economic Feasibility of Solar Thermochemical Jet Fuel Production” Environmental Science & Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03515



This would be true if you sequestered CO2 from power plants never to be used, but it is better than smoke stacks AND tailpipes.



Obfuscation is not better than disclosure of the true meaning.
It is never better not to know the whole implication of a topic and the relevant associated factors.

This article informs me that while flue gas may reduce the carbon intensity of fossil fuel plants such as steel mills, coal generation etc - that will not work in the future carbon neutral or carbon negative world.

That is the world we are heading for. Half measures are token gestures.

CCS or

While interesting and as you say better than nothing (or poke in the eye with a blunt stick)

Is an expensive futile waste of time and money and lulls and hoodwinks ordinary people into accepting the fate that the extractive fossil fuel technologies would leave us.

The old guard of lazy politicians in the pockets of legacy extractive industry shareholders would like us to believe that 98% of scientists are wrong. That we can go on with business as usual.

To me that qualifies as spin or propaganda.The clever use of words won't fool the gut instinct.


Whatever, if you use CO2 twice you cut emissions in half.


My names Arnold.

I was going to say for clarification that the aviation industry have been aware and understand matters surrounding climate science from the start. As could be expected.

They are I.M.O. amongst the leaders in their support of R.E. technology.

Fools don't get far in the Aviation industry.


The problem is that we need to cut emissions by not less than 80%.

The conditions required for this process are extreme even for extremes.  1500°C is hotter than the hottest gas-turbine inlet temperatures I've heard of.  Other thermochemical hydrogen processes like sulfur-iodine require far lower temperatures and would be much cheaper to build.  Once you have H2, reduction of CO2 can be done by time-worn practices.


Sulfur-iodine also turns out to be far more efficient than this scheme:  50% efficient heat-to-hydrogen, compared to the figure of 20% (for exactly what, this article doesn't seem to say).

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