GE & VC Firms Announce $200M Open Innovation Challenge to Accelerate Power Grid Technology Through Open Collaboration
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GE Introduces Smart Grid-Compatible Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charger

GE introduced the GE WattStation, a Level 2 plug-in vehicle (EV) charger. Using smart grid technology, GE WattStation allows utility companies to manage the impact of electric vehicles on the local and regional grids.

Combining functionality with consumer friendly form from renowned industrial designer Yves Behar, the GE WattStation on average decreases electric vehicle charging time from 12-18 hours to as little as four to eight hours compared to standard charging “level 1”, assuming a full-cycle charge for a 24 kWh battery.

GE WattStation will be commercially available globally in 2011. GE will unveil a specialized home version of the charger later this year.

In addition to the GE WattStation, GE recently announced two new partnerships to advance electric vehicle adoption. In April 2010, Project Get Ready, a non-profit initiative led by Rocky Mountain Institute to help communities prepare for electric vehicles, named GE a technical advisor focusing on design and planning of the local and regional electric grids for electric vehicles.

In May 2010, GE Global Research and Nissan signed a separate three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to explore new technologies that are needed to build a reliable, dynamic smart-charging infrastructure.



The skeptics were complaining that the Smart Grid doesn't exist. Will they have to come up with new excuses now?

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