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California Public Utilities Commission approves 15 transportation electrification pilot projects focusing on disadvantaged communities

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved 15 pilot projects aimed at helping to accelerate electric vehicle adoption, with a focus on disadvantaged communities.

These investments are the first of their kind. These projects are aimed at maximizing benefits to disadvantaged communities by catalyzing electrification of buses, trucks, and other transportation vehicles in locations that can have the biggest impact on air quality standards.

—Commissioner Carla J. Peterman

The decision approves, with modifications, four Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) projects, five Southern California Edison (SCE) projects, and six San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) projects designed to speed adoption of electric vehicles, improve air quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The projects include electrification of school buses, delivery trucks, airport/seaport equipment, truck stops, and commuter locations. Other projects include the installation of fast charging for urban locations and incentives for car dealerships. Additionally, $1.7 million will be set aside for evaluation of the projects upon their completion.

In 2016, the CPUC directed the investor-owned utilities to submit applications proposing projects aimed at accelerating transportation electrification across all sectors, from light-duty passenger cars to medium- and heavy-duty fleet, transit, and freight vehicles. PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E proposed the newly approved priority review projects—pilot programs of no more than $4 million for each program and no longer than one year to implement.


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