Last week, we wrote about the results of a Twitter poll we put up to get a feel for what our readers like best about the site.

The flipside of "most valuable" is "least valuable," so we put up the same list of choices again, this time asking survey respondents to rank their least favorite types of articles.

Surprisingly, however, the results weren't a mirror image of the first poll.

DON'T MISS: Which Green Car Reports articles are most valuable? Poll results

As we suspected, the most popular choice among survey respondents for their least favorite types of articles were the ones dealing with "regulatory, policy, and tax" topics.

That was the choice of one-third (33 percent) of poll participants, and it earned the second lowest percentage of votes (15 percent) as most favorite content.

But next least-favorite was "first drives and reviews," chosen by almost as many respondents (28 percent)—which was the second most-popular content in the previous poll, chosen by 22 percent of respondents.

"New models and future cars" was the least-favorite content of fully 25 percent of the latest survey's users, though it was by far the overwhelming previous pick for most valuable (at 53 percent).

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And "clean energy" was least useful to the fewest respondents (14 percent), but also the most valuable content to the fewest number in the previous survey (10 percent) as well.

So we're somewhat scratching our heads.

Photovoltaic solar power field at Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Photovoltaic solar power field at Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee

It's worth noting the number of respondents was quite low in each survey, and that it's likely different groups of people responded.

But we're still not entirely clear what this tells us, except that content about current and future cars is viewed as more valuable than topics that less directly deal with actual road vehicles.

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In the end, we conclude that there's no single type of content that's obviously least valuable to all readers. Perhaps our current mix is about right?

Leave us your thoughts on our content in the Comments below; we'll read it all over to help us understand how all our content is received by our readers. (And thank you!)


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